-or the lonely lament of the till worker.
Some people are so stupid.
So how has your day been?

- Yes, that sign indicating that we cannot by law sell anything until 10:30 actually means that we cannot sell anything until 10:30. This includes if your children are crying for their clematus and dahlias, and I don't care how long you've been waiting.
- And no, I don't want your credit card before I've run everything through the till. That can wait.
- Yes, your clubcard is a different matter, you have to give me that before I've given you your change and wished you a good day. It has to be put through with the sale, or it won't work, as clearly explained on this big bold sign in front of the till...
- Being narky isn't going to win me your sympathy.
- I realise you've been queueing for a few minutes, but in that space of time, I've served eight other customers: you've got it easy pal.
- So let me get this straight, you pick up the one item with no price label or barcode on it, then come to till and complain bitterly that you have to wait a few minutes while we find out what the damn thing is meant to cost?
- We would discount that damaged item for you, but there are 20 flawless others over there...
- We would discount that damaged item for you, but we saw you ram your trolley into it a minute ago...
- We would refund that 'incorrect purchase', but its a Christmas decoration, and today is January 8th.
- I can see you have a £5 note there to make your £3.99 purchase, please for the love of God don't give me that £20... Oh, ok, if you want to then, don't whatever you do make my life easy.
- No sir, don't give the pen back to me - Its on a string. If you give it to me, all I'll do is put it down right in front of you again. Do you really need me to do this for you?
- You take that basket outside and you're a dead man/woman.
- and the final insult... Three types of trolley, Types A, B and C, each in their own stacked line. I DO NOT WANT TO SEE TROLLEY A IN THE TROLLEY B QUEUE. IT BUGGERS UP THE WHOLE SYSTEM. THE CARPARK IS NOT A GIANT TROLLEY PARK - USE THE AREAS MARKED 'TROLLEYS'.
So how has your day been?
