feet: tevas when its hot, those nice warm brown laceless LL Bean thingies when its cold, new balance shoes the rest of the time.
pants: mix of blue jeans, cargo pants, and khakis. will have to get a couple pairs of black denim next time I buy pants.
top: t-shirts whenever its hot enough (most of them very old, although I'm working on expanding my punk t-shirt collection recently) when its colder I wear monocrome long-sleeved shirts 80% of the time with an occasional high school cross-country long-sleeved shirt, bolivian llama-wool sweater or collared shirt thrown in. I also have some sweat shirt, a hawaiian shirt, some polo shirts etc. but I almost never wear them...
never wear hats, arm-bands, belts etc. etc. etc.
pants: mix of blue jeans, cargo pants, and khakis. will have to get a couple pairs of black denim next time I buy pants.
top: t-shirts whenever its hot enough (most of them very old, although I'm working on expanding my punk t-shirt collection recently) when its colder I wear monocrome long-sleeved shirts 80% of the time with an occasional high school cross-country long-sleeved shirt, bolivian llama-wool sweater or collared shirt thrown in. I also have some sweat shirt, a hawaiian shirt, some polo shirts etc. but I almost never wear them...
never wear hats, arm-bands, belts etc. etc. etc.