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The Netherlands continues to March toward Fascism.

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  • #76
    I've previously stated that Dutch sounds like a mix between German and Norwegian. The writing seems like the same mix, too...


    • #77
      I've previously stated that Dutch sounds like a mix between German and Norwegian. The writing seems like the same mix, too...
      I once heard somebody say that Dutch in its written form looks like somebody sat on a typewriter!
      "I will not give you a cup of water if you were drowning in the desert!"

      Just my favourite CIV-quote. :)


      • #78
        Farkity Fark

        Originally posted by Zopperoni

        I don't know what you're farking about, since Amsterdam Leeft didn't get any votes at all...
        1. That's not literally true
        2. As has been pointed out, Amsterdam Leeft does not have Pim Fortuijn
        3. Leefbaar Amsterdam got 2 seats IIRC. Not the same organisation but AFAIK a similar type of party.
        4. Your statement is only proof that there is not necessarily a strong positive correlation between bastardness and Leefbaar-votes. :P
        The argument "There is no need to worry because Rotterdamians are complete bastards and only complete bastards would vote for Fortuijn; Amsterdamians/other Dutchies can't be complete bastards because most of them didn't vote for Amsterdam Leeft/Leefbaar ..." seems a bit illogical - why not go "there's no need to worry because people in the rest of the Netherlands didn't mass-vote for Leefbaar" directly?
        5. If Amsterdam is so great how come it has Roel van Duijn?

        Saint Marcus:
        Behalve als je een monstercoalitie wilt van PvdA+CDA+VVD, maar das al helemaal niets. En een 4 partijen coalitie is ook niet echt handig.

        Dan heb ik toch liever een monstercoalitie dan een regering met het CDA én Groen Links. Maar goed, ik stem zelf dan ook VVD, dus wat dat betreft zullen we het wel niet eens worden.

        I'm not sure anyone here is from Rotterdam. I'm not from Rotterdam, just anti-Amsterdam.

