Oh, and take if from a chemist - TNT doesn't explode from rubbing it on the ground. You can even burn it in a logfire without it exploding. Hitting it with a hammer, that might make it go off. And from what I can tell from the pictures, he is in no position to use a hammer on his own waist...
also figured out an easier disarming strategy... Just call in the closest ambulane, give him a sedative and wait until he is unconcsious. Then send in the robot. Since he was according to eyewitness prone on the ground for 30 minutes, a few more wouldn't have hurt...
also figured out an easier disarming strategy... Just call in the closest ambulane, give him a sedative and wait until he is unconcsious. Then send in the robot. Since he was according to eyewitness prone on the ground for 30 minutes, a few more wouldn't have hurt...