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Vel's Strat Thread - Flirting - Pt. 1 - Icebreakers (for shy guys, 'specially)

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  • Ah, but you are talking dogs here Cats know that the best love is unanswered love, so they pretend not to care (pretend??) so you'll love them even more
    Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
    And notifying the next of kin
    Once again...


    • "Ah, but you are talking dogs here Cats know that the best love is unanswered love, so they pretend not to care (pretend??) so you'll love them even more "

      I have had my share of kitties too. They are unique unto themselves.

      Though, perhaps you have stumbled upon something here..... pretending not to care? Wonder...would it work for us (humans) as well as it does for the fickle kitties?? Something tells me that it would not.


      • Well, playing hard to get can be a succesfull strategy. It can also backfire, it depends on the people involved I guess. There is no "100% succes guaranteed" way (unless you are Vel of course...)

        But somehow it always seem to work for cats
        Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
        And notifying the next of kin
        Once again...


        • Yep....decided long, long ago, that should reincarnation be an absolute....I want to come back as a cat.


          • Whoa! That means that it's possible that we meet each other in about 30, 40, 50 years time
            Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
            And notifying the next of kin
            Once again...


            • That Long?


              • Duh... forgot to rate this thread...

                I wonder what I'm doing here, in a couple of years I probably will be flirting with the nurses in the old folks' home
                Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
                And notifying the next of kin
                Once again...


                • Now, H..... come off that!!

                  It'll be many years before you go there...BUT..just in case.

                  You nurses out there better be on the lookout!!


                  • Originally posted by Ishtar
                    Now, H..... come off that!!

                    It'll be many years before you go there...BUT..just in case.

                    You nurses out there better be on the lookout!!
                    Hehe... It's not that I live that healthy But then again, if you do live healthy you don't live any longer, it just seems longer
                    Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
                    And notifying the next of kin
                    Once again...


                    • Neither do I. I figure if I go long as there's a smile on my will have been worth it!!

                      Healthy .. BLAH!!! That's NO fun at all. Let's eat, drink and be merry!!


                      • I'll drink to that!...
                        Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
                        And notifying the next of kin
                        Once again...


                        • HEHEHHE

                          I have been for like the last ... many hours now? I kinna lost count...the movie ended about uhhhh 3 ish... I kinna don't remember... damn... been a long time since I had SO MUCH FUN!! Can't tell ya the last time I was in a "real life" bar LOL...
                          Ishie's got a buzz!! Good thing I wasn't the designated driver!


                          • I like the advice you've put up here Vel. I haven't yet had an opportunity to try any of it out (ok, some of it I knew already) but I sure can't wait till the time that I can.

                            Would it be possible to include some more info about that perennial bug-bear, approaching girls in groups? I mean how do you "isolate" the target girl without appearing rude to the others, and hence to her? Oh, and what of the special case of girls in pairs? What do you do about the other girl - who will not have anyone to talk to if you monopolize her friend? Any thoughts?

                            Nice to see that my old friend David Floyd is having some luck with girls


                            • David James!!!!!!!!!

                              What's up???
                              Follow me on Twitter:
                              Read my seldom updated blog where I talk to myself:


                              • I recently heard about a good tactic in showing up to meet people for the first time wearing a fake plaster cast.

