I've never claimed any act is a bill. You're the one that claims that refers to Bill 117 as if it was law when in fact it became the Domestic Violence Protection Act is called the VAWA.
Heh dancing madly backwards you seem to have mastered at an early age. No you jumped all it when I refered to bill 117 and ps it was changes made to the DV...and it is refered to as VAWA .
No, the police would look for signs that she lived there (e.g. clothes). So if you are living by yourself and the woman doesn't have any belongings in the house, then the cops would not accept her word for it.
They do tell more, oh great one

Oh well, if you said it then it must be true, despite the fact that the Act specifically says you are wrong.
It does where? you have a way of self gratification, at your own expense. You now claim these things never happen prove it. I can prove they do. Your turn to do more than type...I bet you can't and will not...
Oh, you're right. Men's voices are never heard in the legal system. That's why you'll never get custody of your kids. Oh, wait. You did get custody of your child. Guess they must have thought you were a woman.
You are a mixed up little boy are'nt you. You seem to have taken all parts of a debate mixed it in a glass tossed in some stupidity and summed it up

More propaganda. Baseless lies. Bill 117 became an act in Dec. 2000. Shows us the proof that this Act has been abused. Where's the proof?

Simple. Her second husband testified against her. The friends of her second husband testified against her. The first husband testified against her. She lost.
It just proves that the legal system works both ways. Sometimes the man loses. Sometimes the women loses.
It just proves that the legal system works both ways. Sometimes the man loses. Sometimes the women loses.
Wow with proof like this...testified about what? That she was a good parent hummm my guess is that is not the case at all. Good for it back up your claims tell the truth what did they testify about? Sometimes...Sometimes lol you are an idiot you post the stats then say Sometimes this clearly shows you are but spam here...
So Mr. "I've been studying for five years so I'm the Expert,"
Speaking of lying you do that a lot...I have said I have far more expertise than your 2 second Google searches, your one second reading, and your 2 second copy this make a point ignore the facts I am right you are wrong diatribe...
How come almost everything you post is wrong? Time and time again, you have posted incorrect information that has been proven false. Why don't you just admit that you are wrong.
Take the time to read your post's again "wrong" "incorrect" you have yet to show anything wrong or incorrect. You have made but an ass of yourself and continue to humor me with your stupidity.

1. there do remain some biases against men but they are largely the same societal biases that see more women than men stay home with the kids when the couple is together-- generally the primary caregiver before the breakup wins custody
I did not post that but lets work with it. So when the false accusation happens the man is removed and the mother then has the home and the children "status quo" prevails seems an easy thing to do based on these laws. Going further seems like a good tactic to use to get the edge as Cools points out and others that in fact it is an all too common tactic. I disagree most couples work in todays "daycare society" "Primary Caregiver is a whole new ball of wax section 122.6 of income yax act ensures the woman is assumed to be the primary caregiver... Comming at you from all sides now...
However, this legislation is a reaction to the situation where a truly powerless woman with kids could not afford to move out (perhaps hubby controls the money) and needs to end a truly abusive situation. Any test must balance the interests of of protecting people against the interest of remaining in the home. Whether you like it or not, a court will be more concerned about protecting possible abuse victims-- and some abuse is real-- early in my career I acted on a couple of child apprehensions. Reading the file ( and then seeing the photos) . . . lets just say there are some sick people out there.
Yes true the domestic abuse stats that generated this "woman is the only abused" is truely disquieting. The statistics show in fact abuse is almost equal so where do men go and what help do they get removing themselves from DV with thier kids? None nadda the statistics also show children are abuse by the mother at double the rate of the men. This was not what the misadrists where telling people when they generated all the hype to begin with. Thier lies have been proven to be just that but the scales of justise were already swayed. Balancing them out again for the sake of the children is what I am talking about. Yes there are lots of sick people I am glad we have something to help but it is bias and that is not justice or right.
But know something . . . the system does come to a just solution in the majority of cases.
Just in some maybe, majority ask any lawyer, mens group it is simply not the case.
Are there wrong decisions, abuse and sometimes heartache ?-- yup, I'll agree with that. But the system works reasonably well in a majority of cases. . . and it EVENTUALLY reaches the correct result in a vast majority of cases. the problem to be solved is those situations where it does not wor
It does not work it is adversarial and bias at best. Misandry is wide spread. Majority is not the case with this reasoning the majority of men are bad fathers heh I just do not buy it. Vast majority show me the proof again you make the claim that most men are bad parents I wholehartedly disagree period.The deck is stacked face it that is not just nor is it right.
However, despite your study of the issue, most of your legal conclusions are just wrong, wrong wrong. First of all, most judges would not give an exclusive possession order for a non-owned property unless there were children involved.
No they are not again most judges show me the facts you speak of and judges do award possession for non-owned yes.
So your suggestion that some woman you are dating will LEGALLY take your property is wrong and ridiculous.
Proof lots of opinions proof man, it is not wrong it does happen and the law allows it to happen.
Really, do you think that a 2 week live-in girlfriend will get to take your house ?? get serious !!
Yes I do I am serious it happens the law allows for it to happen typed in black and white they included live-ins in the act read it. Was it their intention to put it in just to give you something to deny?
Criminal law -- none of these are provisions are criminal law but there can be overlap between the federal criminal law and the provincial regulatory offences in just the same way that a traffic offence can be punished provincially under their regulatory regime as well as federally under the Criminal Code.
Yes HTA covers this but this is civil law do not ignore that fact...
There are so many errors among your other legal assertions and its late . . so I will wait until tomorrow to see what else you come up with
Errors based on your assuptions proof I continue to provide it yet all I see is assuptions people call facts. Assuptions people "claim" make all other facts baseless. Look a simple Google search will show what I am saying and why it has not been used yet in this debate is because NONE or your Taki's assumptions can be found or proven. The simple reality is as much as you say the "majority" etc etc you have yet to prove that in fact it is not the majority unless you believe most men are bad people to thier kids and others...I do not that is simply a lie an myth...misandry...