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heterosexual sex amounts to sexual abuse to a woman?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Case
    I *think* that she believes that men have all the power in hetrosexual sex, and as a result women should stear clear of blokes.
    Or they should simply switch positions

    Sounds like another one of those chest pounding lesbian feminists *****ing about the inhumane 'burdern' of women. She should allow others to think for themselves, because equality of the sexes has never been greater than it is today. Besides, most women I know rather enjoy sex
    "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
    You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

    "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


    • #17
      Exactly what it is more myth by radical feminist pathetic abuse of power. They attempt to undermine social norms and replace them with myths to gain power and money.

      Example: " is always uneasy and threatened by the possibility that woman will one day claim her full right to human existence, so he has found ways to enslave her. He has married her, and through the family, binds her to him as wife and mother to his children. He has kept her helpless and dependent, forcing her to work when he needed her labor, isolating her (physically and psychologically), and as a final proof of his power and her debasement as a possession, a thing, a chunk of meat, he has raped her. The act of rape is the logical expression of the essential relationship now existing between men and women." (as quoted in Rape: The First Sourcebook for Feminists. Report from the Work- shop on Self-Defense by Mary Ann Manhart.p. 215)

      That woman needs a shrink....

      Interesting stats show that lesbian relationships are far more violent and abusive than male small margin either I think it was 60% higher...Similarly child abuse from women to children is 260% higher then men on children so much for the testosterone theory. I guess they are running out of excuses and now wish to attack normal healthy relationships to defuse their own lack of ability to healty sex and love.

      An interesting article:


      by Wendy McElroy

      “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
      Or do we?


      • #18
        Originally posted by Dissident
        I may need more to get this thread rolling. The statement above may not be enough. I'm not certain, but I believe the above statement was made by a lesbian feminist.

        What bothers me is sometimes people force their views onto others. Feminists should be encouraging women to think for themselves, not telling them what to think.

        But I don't want to isolate this entirely on feminists. I see this all throughout special interests groups. No one thinks for themselves. They rely on other people to tell them what to think.

        While this should be no surprise to many here. The numbers involved are staggerring. I see it more and more now days. Are people unable to form opinions for themselves? I'm tired, so I'm probably rambling. So long.
        Ya lost me on this one. Some wacko women, apparently a feminist, states her opinion and you say she is trying to force her opinion on others and that this is bad. So are you saying free speech should be banned? You don't have to agree with her and she is not holding a gun to your head [If she is, tell us and we'll call the cops]

        Then there is your assumption that all feminist believe this nonsense, that they don't think for themselves, and this is widely held belief. Just because one feminist says doesn't mean that every feminist starts reciting this nonsense like a robot. Most of my ex-girlfriends are feminists and none of them believe in this nonsense. I have never heard any of my lesbians friends talk about this theory.

        I do agree that some special interest groups have members that can't think for themselves. Look what happens when GW Bush talks. The Republicans automatically respond like he's speaking the gospel truth. Same thing with Clinton and the democrats. Very scary stuff.
        Golfing since 67


        • #19
          The joy of sexism

          Have you ever noticed how people who can't win with facts and logic always resort to name calling? The feminists are no exception. Here we have a group of people who have labeled all dissenters as "sexist." The word is fairly dripping with disgust when they use it. Anyone deserving of such a name must be a low life subhuman scoundrel. Indeed, we have to look all the way back to the days of the troglodytes to find anyone as undeveloped as a sexist. You can see men dodging quickly to the political left to avoid the stigma of being called a (dirty, rotten, worthless) sexist.

          PC name calling, contrary to the children’s poem, strikes with great force. In fact, sticks and stones may have less of an impact when you consider that the courts have taken the ridiculous negative connotations of these names seriously! The ground gained by the feminist movement has been driven by shaming men into acting unnaturally. Anyone who is privy to discussions between men about women knows that men have not changed their opinions about women a bit, despite their mouthing of all the right PC terms when women are present. Many men have tried to think like the feminists want but then another short skirted honey walks by and all their good intentions are out the window.

          The world is sexist, from the lowest insect to the most intellectual of men. You will find that in the animal kingdom, males and females have roles that are very different. In the human realm, the same is true. The feminists have forced an unnatural condition to exist in America today, through the courts. It is unnatural, and therefore doomed to be only temporary. The only reason one has for opposing such a short term problem is that feminism destroys families.

          On average, women are weaker than men. This is a fact that cannot be denied by any rational person. Men are more aggressive than women and have held the large majority of the leadership positions of every human society that has ever existed. These facts are born out throughout history and around the world. Women have always been more nurturing than men. Children throughout history have clung to their mothers' love as a universal constant, giving them something that fathers never could. This is basic and rooted in the biological factors that will survive long after all those living today are gone. Those who accept these facts are called sexist. They are of course! All people are sexist and can be no other way. Wake up and smell the coffee! Sexism is as natural as the sunrise and therefore is a good thing. To make sexism a dirty word is twisted and pathological!

          Every time a women puts on a dress, makeup and high heels, she is sexist. Every time a man puts on a business suit he is sexist. When a man shaves his face or a woman shaves her legs, it is sexist. When a man and women make love it is sexist and when a child is born from a woman it is sexist. When a mother nurses her baby, that is sexist. All of life is shaped by sexism because sex is a reality of life which shapes all humans from the moment of conception until death. It is not avoidable and should not be.

          What of male chauvinism? Can that be avoided? The data are in on this one! In America we have demonstrated both positively and negatively that male chauvinism is necessary for a strong nation. With male chauvinism firmly in place, our country grew from a handful of colonies to the greatest nation on earth. Women were treated better here than ever before in history. Society expected a man to stay with his wife and raise the children he sired, through financial support and leadership in the home. Divorce was something for the minority not the majority of families. Children grew up living with and respecting both of their parents and learned the difference between right and wrong in the home environment.

          Now, through brain washing the children in school and rulings of the court, male chauvinism is considered bad. What has been the result? The obvious statistic that jumps out at you is that the vast majority of children are not raised by both of their own biological parents. Children are neglected by their single working mothers or having great psychological difficulties dealing with step parents.

          Men have been "liberated" far more than women have by the removal of male chauvinism. Men are not expected by society to take a leadership role in the family. Since that is the only role nature has equipped them for, they have no role in the family. Therefore they leave! Women are trying to be the bread winners and even that role is gone from the men. What is left but to become single and go on the prowl. Men do not get married as early in life, if at all, today and women still are having babies. It doesn't take rocket science to understand the implications of that fact. Women are having their lives ruined by single motherhood and removing male chauvinism is why.

          A man will be "king of his castle." Either it will be with a wife or without her, depending on whether or not she will support him in his kingship. Biology has dictated this. Whether you or I like it, agree with it, or loath it, makes absolutely no difference. Just like the law of gravity, you may not like it but you will have to deal with it anyway.


          • #20
            Re: The joy of sexism

            Originally posted by Boddington's
            In America we have demonstrated both positively and negatively that male chauvinism is necessary for a strong nation. With male chauvinism firmly in place, our country grew from a handful of colonies to the greatest nation on earth.
            You wrote this? I thought you were British and you lived in England.
            Golfing since 67


            • #21
              Women have always been more nurturing than men. Children throughout history have clung to their mothers' love as a universal constant, giving them something that fathers never could. This is basic and rooted in the biological factors that will survive long after all those living today are gone.

              While I agree with some of what you said I want to address this...

              Women have had the role of nuturing in no way does that mean they are more nuturing, in fact indepth studies are righting that myth endlessly.

              "Fathers never could"? Again a myth as fathers assume more of a role and conversly as fathers are removed from thier role as "parents" we are seeing the true reality of the "universal constant of the "love" and "nuturing" a father has with his children".

              So the reality of the situation is fathers "love" and "nuturing" play a huge role with the normal development of thier children.

              This type of history "mythism" is what drives the feminist ranks and the adversarial divorce court industry it is simply untrue.

              Fathers as their role in parenting expands I am sure it will...continue to prove as valuable and nurturing and loving as a womans. The fact that "history" was what it was and the present and future is what it is offers little fact based reality to what a mother or father are to thier children.
              “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
              Or do we?


              • #22
                heterosexual sex amounts to sexual abuse to a woman?
                In your case yes dissident
                I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                • #23
                  Men are not expected by society to take a leadership role in the family. Since that is the only role nature has equipped them for, they have no role in the family. Therefore they leave! Women are trying to be the bread winners and even that role is gone from the men. What is left but to become single and go on the prowl.

                  They aren't ok? Not true at all again studies are proving this myth wrong everyday. Men have an equal and huge role to play in the family and are "equally equiped" by nature as such.

                  Men leave mostly because of the obvious biasness of the divorce court, family court industry.

                  Men leave because we are more and more becoming the role of the "donar". Let me explain man has kids woman leaves man man pays for kids woman gets remarried woman now has kids and triple the income. Man gets remarried has kids and has half the income...the divorce court who is the "bread winner"? Men rarely get more than visitation to their children something like an uncle coming to visit. This is simply harmful to the kids and amounts to child abuse and male abuse. These types of bias are destroying marrage not the fact that male chauvinism has been removed that is a new myth I hope gains no speed or respect it certainly gets none from me.

                  Part two the myth of "womans intuition" and on and on children need both biological parents in their lives period...both sexes have it in them to be loving and nurturing to say anything less means you have been brainwashed...
                  “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                  Or do we?


                  • #24
                    Re: The joy of sexism

                    Originally posted by Boddington's

                    A man will be "king of his castle." Either it will be with a wife or without her, depending on whether or not she will support him in his kingship. Biology has dictated this. Whether you or I like it, agree with it, or loath it, makes absolutely no difference. Just like the law of gravity, you may not like it but you will have to deal with it anyway.
                    This is a popular opinion in the United States, but not in Canada

                    In 1983, 42 per cent of Canadians agreed that “"The father of the family must be the master in his own house.” By 1992, only 26 per cent of Canadians agreed with that statement. The same year, Americans were surveyed and 42 per cent said dad should be king.

                    By 2000, only 23 per cent of Canadians said Dad should be king of the house, compared to 48 per cent in the US (71 per cent in the American south).

                    So more Americans are becoming more traditionalist while Canadians increasingly see marriage as an equal partnership.

                    See survey
                    Golfing since 67


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by blackice
                      Men leave because we are more and more becoming the role of the "donar". Let me explain man has kids woman leaves man man pays for kids woman gets remarried woman now has kids and triple the income.
                      I don't think so. Child support tends to end when a woman gets remarried, at least in Canada.

                      But lets say you are right. How many women do you know who have done this?

                      Besides your logic is screwed up. You start by saying "Men leave because" then your explanation says the "woman leaves man."
                      Golfing since 67


                      • #26
                        Child support ends in Canada when the child turns 18 or leaves home and lives on own...spousal support is subject to the agreement in court.

                        Every woman who has been to the family court, which is about 89% to date...

                        Men leave because we are more and more becoming the role of the "donar".

                        I then simply explain what a donar is...BTW "donar" is the most widely used term used by feminist's to describe men and our role as er fathers and bread winners so to speak...
                        “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                        Or do we?


                        • #27
                          this just doesnt quite make sense.... i mean, how can it be abuse if both parties are willing?

                          I see it as this....

                          Women have innies and Men have outties...... doesnt it naturally go together? I'm not saying any man and any woman, but with feelings, especially LOVE then yes i'd think you should natuarally want to be together and to share with one another, and the ultimate culmunation of that is to share the private part of you thus equalling sex!

                          I know women 'fake it' sometimes but mostly i think thats due to not wanting to let their partner down, they want him to feel successful and encourage him so from time to time when she is having difficulties reaching 'the goal', yeah she may pretend, but not to hurt his feelings or anything , but because she wants him to want to do it again next time! lol
                          DarlinKell..... =)


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by blackice
                            Child support ends in Canada when the child turns 18 or leaves home and lives on own...spousal support is subject to the agreement in court.

                            Every woman who has been to the family court, which is about 89% to date...

                            Men leave because we are more and more becoming the role of the "donar".

                            I then simply explain what a donar is...BTW "donar" is the most widely used term used by feminist's to describe men and our role as er fathers and bread winners so to speak...
                            Are you trying to suggest that 89 per cent of women have gone to family court to sue for child support?

                            Never heard any feminist use the word "donar to describe men. Most women just call men "men."
                            Golfing since 67


                            • #29
                              heterosexual sex amounts to sexual abuse to a woman?

                              This is ridiculous. The only way I would consider it abuse is if the guy has no idea what he is doing. Sex to me is a very pleasurable thing..if it is considered abuse...THEN

                              BEAT ME BEAT ME..but treat me gentle
                              The only reason I was gone for so long was because I hate you people!!!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Blackwidow24
                                heterosexual sex amounts to sexual abuse to a woman?

                                This is ridiculous. The only way I would consider it abuse is if the guy has no idea what he is doing. Sex to me is a very pleasurable thing..if it is considered abuse...THEN

                                BEAT ME BEAT ME..but treat me gentle

                                thats great!!!!!! hahahahahaha!!!!

                                i gotta agree with that one!!!!
                                DarlinKell..... =)

