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confessions of a bigot

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  • Fascinating as your views are on guns, abortions and the evil liberal conspiracy to eat our babies and make us touch men's bottoms, they don't belong here.

    Start another thread, if you're that desperate.
    The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


    • Originally posted by darthmolar

      Conservatives (at least in the USA) do not discount the principles that this country was founded on. Life, Liberty, and the Persuit of Happiness is the basis for the constitution, which conservatives wish to uphold, and in some cases restore. Liberals have made countless changes to the constitution over the years, changes which were unnecessary. Not all of those who are religious try to erase the barrier between church and state, which is another founding principle of these United States. You need to have knowledge before you speak.
      I'm sorry, weren't you the one who said that America was founded on the principles of God, and if we liberals don't like it, we can just get the hell out of the country?
      "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
      "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


      • Originally posted by Kaak

        I agree. if you claim sexual orientation isn't a matter of choice, then it isn't a matter of choice. I just think that homosexuality is as blatantly wrong and gross as paedophilia.
        Yes, you HAVE made your point excruciatingly clear in this thread

        Originally posted by darthmolar Kaak your views are as valid as anyone's. As you can see liberal minded people tell you to "keep your opionions to yourself" while preaching their own views. These people wish for the points to be heard and accepted and no one else's. All of these people make our points valid without us having to do so. Kaak you appear to be a good, just person with high ideals. Keep it up. I am in your corner. It is they who fear and hate us. As you know, we have nothing to fear from these peolpe or those of like mind. Hold to your ideals and your life will unfold productively and you will overcome any and all opposition.
        Oh no, it´s a bigot conspiracy...
        I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


        • But he's not good. He's not mormon, he's to go to hell.
          What do you mean by this?

          Man, I bet he also drinks caffeine too.
          So, what is your point? I drink caffeine also. In fact I am drinking a regular Dr. Pepper right now. The LDS faith is not against drinking caffeine.

          And how about all that premarital sex he has?
          I had premarital sex as well (many times in fact). Although premarital sex is discouraged by most faiths.

          I'm glad you support his views, because when all three of us are in hell we can have one big f*cking orgy.
          Guess again. Profanity...a sure sign of your inability to use more constructive phrases.

          I live my life by what I believe is right. Asher you obviously know nothing of the LDS faith except popular urban legends. I try not to speak on something unless I now something about the subject.

          But you fear God instead.
          From where on earth did you get this assumption about me? I do not fear God. Please get some common sense.

          I'm sure the author of that book is rolling his his grave today.
          What book, the Book of Mormon? Author? There were countless people who recorded the records contained within the book. Before you judge maybe you should read the book. Wow, there is a novel idea. Read a book before you criticize it.

          You're bigots blinded by your own faith.
          I am not.

          Why should his ideals be my ideals?
          I never said they should be.

          Why should his ideals be your ideals?
          I never said they should be.

          Why should he try to force his ideals on others?
          I never said he should, nor does he seem to do that.

          Asher, conversing with you will probably be akin to holding a conversation with lint.

          By the way, just a little background info on me. I used to smoke. I used to drink. I used to use hard drugs (not pot, pot is not a drug), I have been divorced, I nearly killed another human being with my bare hands. I am far from perfect. You seem to have a problem because my opinions and beliefs differ from your own. Nevertheless, I have the right to speak my mind and will continue to do so.


          • Originally posted by darthmolar
            So, what is your point? I drink caffeine also. In fact I am drinking a regular Dr. Pepper right now. The LDS faith is not against drinking caffeine.

            I had premarital sex as well (many times in fact). Although premarital sex is discouraged by most faiths.

            I live my life by what I believe is right. Asher you obviously know nothing of the LDS faith except popular urban legends. I for try not to speak on something unless I now something about the subject.
            So how come my mormon friends don't drink caffeine, say they can't. How come my mormon friends think premarital sex is a sin? One of them is leaving on his mission in a few weeks, btw.

            You're a very, very bad mormon. You will go to hell for that.

            From where on earth did you get this assumption about me? I do not fear God. Please get some common sense.

            So why are you religious?
            Religion is based upon the priciples of God-fearing. You must follow these rules, because God said so. You must do this, because God said so. Failure to do so will incur the wrath of God and you will be in hell in the afterlife.

            What book, the Book of Mormon? Author? There were countless people who recorded the records contained within the book. Before you judge maybe you should read the book. Wow, there is a novel idea. Read a book before you criticize it.
            It's a book, it's just that.
            The author(s) of the book must be rolling in their grave right now, thinking they can't believe people follow it.
            I'm sure that in 2000 years, people will find an old book about how to be a Klingon from Star Trek, and a religion will spring up from it.

            Asher, conversing with you will probably be akin to holding a conversation with lint.
            You've not tried to have a conversation with me.
            You posted with propaganda that literally made me laugh out loud, so now I'm just slamming you for the fool you are.

            By the way, just a little background info on me. I used to smoke. I used to drink. I used to use hard drugs (not pot, pot is not a drug), I have been divorced, I nearly killed another human being with my bare hands. I am far from perfect. You seem to have a problem because my opinions and beliefs differ from your own. Nevertheless, I have the right to speak my mind and will continue to do so.
            You are SO going to hell.
            Literally every homosexual I know is a far better human being than you are.

            Revel in your inferiority, oh righteous one!
            "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
            Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


            • Originally posted by Kaak

              hmmm...any sources to support this? I would say, that as with many many other things, there are far more people who think about it than act on it.
              Yes, but the question is what the definition of "acting on it" is. As I said pictures and movies is IMO "acting on it"

              Originally posted by Gibsie
              Upon what basis would you claim to be able to understand how paedophiles think? The only people who can even begin to suggest whether or not most paedophiles can limit themselves to non-harmful activities are those that are either paedophiles themselves or have studied and surveyed them in detail. Since you are neither (correct me if I'm wrong), we will have to assume this is just a reflection of your own mindset, that if you were a heterosexual person who had no access to either a consenting partner or non-abusive imagery, you would look at porn created from the sexual abuse of women. I know that if I were a paedophile or a single straight guy whom only had access towards abusive pornography, I certainly would be able to confine my urges to my own head.
              There´s a difference between kiddie porn and "grown-up" porn, the latter can be consential, the former can´t. So your comparison doesn´t hold water, sorry...

              But you right in the fact that I´m neither a paedophile or that I have studied them in detail, I´m just a layman in this field

              Obviously there´s also a vast grey zone here, the peadophiles that keep the urges to themselves in their heads can´t be busted by the feds
              I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


              • Re: Re: Re: Homophobes and hypocrites

                Originally posted by Asher
                So how come Kaak can argue that he doesn't like gays because of their decisions, but it's not okay for everyone else to argue that we don't like Kaak based upon his bigotry?
                It's ok for you to say "kaak, you dislike gays so I dislike you".

                It's not ok for you to say "bad kaak, you are not allowed to dislike gays".

                And that's exaclty why I said that christianity has nothing to do with it. Because it hasn't.
                I agree here, I hate religious debates. Pointless.

                He said : i think sodomy is icky, and i dislike gay people because they practice it

                Most of you say : you are evil. you are also very religious and the bible is evil.

                Nobody said he was evil, IIRC. Just that he's a close-minded bigot. Which he admits, and you can't argue otherwise.

                Ok then.
                My bad.

                What I meant is that people are not arguing against his decisions but rather judging them which misses the whole point of this thread IMO.

                Show him why he shouldn't care, not why he isn't allowed to think like he does.
                How do you suppose we do that?

                You can say: "kaak, i heard sodomy isn't as bad as it appears. wanna meet in my place at 8?"

                I think that other than the personal insults, BFB is doing an interesting job, though kaak replies "it's still icky" to every arguement BFB throws at him

                You can't just magically make him enlightened, he's still the dark God-fearing homophobe he was in the first place. He doesn't think homosexuality should be socially accepted, which worries me.

                EDIT: What the hell was I writing.

                He said he was hoping that other people would change thier mind.

                He didn't actively do anything to change it.

                If he actually called for homosexuality to be "punished" or persecuted then I would not be defending his right to speak.

                He "hopes" for this to happen. Which is borderline.

                What two people do behind close doors is none of anyone's business,

                That's a good arguement.
                Present it to him.

                and when people come up and try to stop two people from doing things they want to do, they've got some kind of agenda.

                I haven't noticed him trying to stop anyone.

                He simply said he is grossed out by it.

                Frankly I'm a bit grossed out by it too. Just I don't dislike people who practice it.

                With Kaak, he's either a religious nut who thinks the homosexuality is such a horrible sin nobody should be "allowed" to do it, or he's a "closet gay" homophobe who is tempted by the thought of being able to do it without reprecussion.

                Well he ain't the first one. Possibly the 2nd

                If there's another logical explaination for his actions here, let me know. I sure don't see it.

                I think it is reasonable for a person to simply feel icky about sodomy.

                The same way that if i offer some wierd kinky sex to a girl, she would say "ew" and won't talk to me again.

                That doesn't mean she suggests "burning" those who practice this sort of kinky sex.

                No, that's not the whole point.
                The point is he trolled saying he doesn't like gays, and is somewhat surprised when the majority of people here respond to him with disgust.
                Homosexuality isn't nearly as "bad" as bigotry. Here's why:
                Homosexuality involves consenting adults.
                Bigotry involves rejection, harassment, and ignorance.

                He said he doesn't harrass.
                Ignorance would apply if he thought gay people are wierd and evil and do voodoo.
                He doesn't.
                He just finds sodomy icky, and dislikes people who engage in it.

                So don't be the least bit surprised when people attack Kaak for his righteous bigotry. It's a major part of thie discussion on WHY he should change it.

                Well, if he already accepted being a bigot, then yelling "you're a fukkin bigot" won't do much to change his mind

                That's not accurate: In this analogy, he already admitted to being a Nazi. People are now replying with "thumbs-down" type posts and expressing disgust with his ignorant viewpoints.

                And while that would be indeed expected, it would do nothing to change the nazi's mind. Infact it would only strengthen his security in himself - "i'm right, and they fear me" or something like this.

                You seem to think nobody has tried that to Kaak before.

                Not on this thread. Not seriously.

                None of that matters to him because he finds the acts homosexuals do "disgusting" so he doesn't care who the person is. For some "unexplained" reason he thinks about gay sex when he sees homosexuals.

                I imagine that one would do the same for other groups.

                Say, you found out I like to watch porn. You say "ew siro, you perv, you are morally bankrupt! plus you're stealing my porn!"

                And since you think I'm morally bankrupt you won't talk to me again.

                while I may think your views on porn are unenlightened, I respect your right to have them.

                Nobody's chasing their tail but Kaak here. And if anyone's doing the "i think i can" dance, it's him.

                (i'm not sure what)
                Last edited by Sirotnikov; February 26, 2002, 17:39.


                • Can I just thank this thread for keeping Asher busy. It's clearly contributed to a M$ free OT and for that I'd even be prepared to forgive Kaak's bigotry. BTW what exactly is it he find disgusting about buggery?
                  Last edited by spartak; February 26, 2002, 17:50.


                  • Bull****. In other threads we've already had the debate. Those die out, then he makes a new one confessing to disliking homosexuals.

                    He's very vocal about it.


                    So I was wrong.
                    I didn't know about previous debates.

                    And I still haven't seen him calling for action against gays.

                    Meanwhile he just likes to dwell in his acceptance of himself as a bigot.

                    Nobody said that.
                    I said he's entitled to his p.o.v., but don't be surprised when it gets him fired.

                    People did say that.
                    People said "if you dislike gays you're a bad person, you're blah blah blah - grow up!".

                    No one said "let me counter the points which are behind your dislike of gays".

                    I admit, this attitude would probably bring little use, but the first one brings even less use. Better if the thread just died out.

                    Already tried that.

                    Then you try again.
                    Hey, I'm still in the ME threads

                    So I'm going to go make a thread right now, talking about my supreme disgust for those "militant" israelis who stole land from the "innocent" palestinians and how disgusting the Jews are. And then I want you not to criticize me in the slightest, and calmly tell me why Jews are good people.

                    I will criticize you.

                    But I won't say "how can you have these views? you're an anti-semite".

                    I've only accused two, possibly three people of antisemetism on this forum, and currently I only suspect one in actual antisemetism, and he isn't even a regular to ME threads.

                    And that was not on account of the content of their views, but rather on the way they presented it, ie "slaughter the israelis and jews", "it's all a jewish conspiracy" and similar.

                    Let me give you an example.

                    Karmat X has presented his views, often in a very blunt fashion, which to me seemed a bit too anti-israeli to be coming simply from a political disagreement. I'm not sure though. Possibly he's just read too much propoganda

                    One Israeli quickly snapped at him and called him names etc. while I didn't. This "show" didn't add anything to the Israeli claim and I purposefully distanced myself from the outcry, no matter whether I shared the views or not.

                    It took several more pages for me to accuse Karmat of reading nazi porn, as I believe I called it. I was quite tired at that time, and decided I've had enough, since I can't continue serious conversation. So I "banned myself" from that forum for some time.

                    Because, whether Karmat is a Nazi or not, if instead of arguing with him I start get raving mad - I lose. It's as simple as that.

                    There are Imran and Ramo and Chegitz whose views are very very conflicting with mine, and they criticize Israel alot, and still I respect their right to do so, and I have never suspected any of them of anti-semetism, even though their views often coincide with Karmat's views.

                    We established long ago that logic doesn't prevail with Kaak, at least on this topic. Arguing about the logic of it with him is like explaining discrete mathematics to a 3 year old.

                    Then say "you ignore logic therefore i will leave".

                    that saves energy and makes you appear a smarter man.

                    developing this into a "you crazy christian fanatic - screw you" fight is futile.

                    You don't judge dislikes, even when they're based entirely on somebody's sexuality rather than the person for who they are?

                    Look, I don't care why he dislikes them.
                    I disagree with him and will try to change his mind.
                    But he's entitled to dislike them for what ever reason. Even if he just hates homos because homo starts with an H.

                    Most statements do miss that, because it's not supposed to be the issue. Many, many heterosexuals commit sodomy, why doesn't he just ask people he meets in the future: "Hey, have you ever gone in the back door with your woman?". If they respond yes, he can dislike them too. It's a great system of pre-judging!

                    I don't know.
                    He hasn't actually said if he does that.

                    Then again, male to male sodomy is probably more disgusting to him, just because it's male to male.

                    I don't know really.

                    He only said he "disliked Homosexuals" a dozen times in his first post.

                    He has denied "hating them". He also refrained from any saying calling to spread his view like "the rest of you should also hate them".

                    Look, maybe it's just me.
                    Maybe I'm the wierd one.

                    I simply disagree with your tactic.

                    The same way I disagree with Israel's policy of banning ties with Austria because of Heider.

                    We need something more concerete on his views, and we need him to actually do something against jews before we can cut ties with him.

                    What is there to discuss other than his completely ignorant, arrogant, righteous, and wrong beliefs?

                    Exactly that.
                    But he is entitled to have ignorant and arrogant and righteous beleifs.

                    If he's judging people based upon their sexual orientation, why can't we judge him based upon his limited mental capacity?

                    Because you don't want to stoop to his level?


                    You can, technically.

                    But ask yourself what is your goal.

                    His goal is to exclaim his bigotry.

                    Your goal should be to rid him of it, rather than exclaim how you hate him for being bigoted.

                    He attacked every single gay or bi person by saying he thought they were "disgusting" and said he didn't want homosexuality to be socially accepted. So now people are slamming him. Go cry about it elsehwere.

                    Is your problem with him saying it out loud or thinking it?

                    Saying it out loud - I'll have to think about it.
                    Technically you're right. His exclamation is hurting. The quetion is whether it's considered an actual attack of free speech. I would think that for an attack he'd have to call for action - which he didn't. But then again, I will dedicate more time to it.

                    Thinking it - It's his right, be it as stupid / dark / whatever.

                    You don't get it.
                    We've already tried explaining why he is wrong. He doesn't care!

                    Then stop bumping this useless thread.

                    Trying to convince him otherwise was constructive. Now that we know we can't change his mind let's leave him be. calling him stuff will only strengthen his opnions.

                    ah what do I know.

                    You have a kick out of calling him names? fine.

                    Let's say we have a creative disagreement.

                    He thinks it's disgusting and because he's not homosexual, therefore it's wrong and should not be socially acceptable.

                    Whether he thinks it should be socially acceptable or not doesn't matter.

                    While he has done nothing to actually promote any steps against gays, he's innocent.

                    People have been attacking those claims (With the exceptions of those religious-blasters).

                    I've seen more people attacking him or relgion in general.

                    I'm against those people. That's all.


                    • Re: Re: Re: Re: Homophobes and hypocrites

                      Originally posted by Sirotnikov
                      I don't recall him saying that.

                      I recall him saying only that he dislikes gays.
                      Someone asked him: "Do you want paedophilia to be as socially accepted as homosexuality?"
                      He replied: "Actually, i don't think either should be socially accepted..."

                      I haven't noticed him trying to stop anyone.

                      He simply said he is grossed out by it.
                      When somebody argues it shouldn't be socially acceptable, they're trying to stop it.

                      I think it is reasonable for a person to simply feel icky about sodomy.

                      The same way that if i offer some wierd kinky sex to a girl, she would say "ew" and won't talk to me again.

                      That doesn't mean she suggests "burning" those who practice this sort of kinky sex.
                      It's certainly reasonable to not like sodomy. But that's not the issue here.
                      He says he doesn't like homosexuals, because they practice sodomy. Nevermind the fact that many heterosexuals practice it too.

                      He said he doesn't harrass.
                      He did with this thread.

                      Ignorance would apply if he thought gay people are wierd and evil and do voodoo.
                      He doesn't.
                      He just finds sodomy icky, and dislikes people who engage in it.
                      ...and wants it to be not socially acceptable, because he's not interested in it. That makes him an ignorant fool.

                      Well, if he already accepted being a bigot, then yelling "you're a fukkin bigot" won't do much to change his mind
                      The idea was with everybody telling him not to judge people based on their sexual orientation, he might give it a try.

                      I imagine that one would do the same for other groups.

                      Say, you found out I like to watch porn. You say "ew siro, you perv, you are morally bankrupt! plus you're stealing my porn!"

                      And since you think I'm morally bankrupt you won't talk to me again.

                      while I may think your views on porn are unenlightened, I respect your right to have them.
                      No, it's not like that. Porn is a choice and optional.
                      It's like saying "Ew, siro, you're a Jew. You've been circumcized. I don't like circumcision so I don't like you."

                      Sex isn't a choice, you see.

                      And I still haven't seen him calling for action against gays.

                      Meanwhile he just likes to dwell in his acceptance of himself as a bigot.
                      He doesn't need to "call for action" against gays. It's clear that he doesn't like gays because they commit sodomy, but he doesn't even mention heterosexuals that commit sodomy.
                      He has also said he doesn't want it to be socially acceptable, and he thinks it's fine for his college to deny admission to gays.

                      No one said "let me counter the points which are behind your dislike of gays".
                      He HAS NO POINTS TO COUNTER.
                      His entire argument hinges on "it's icky, ergo I dislike all homosexuals".

                      I will criticize you.

                      But I won't say "how can you have these views? you're an anti-semite".
                      People who dislike all jews aren't anti-semites?

                      Look, I don't care why he dislikes them.
                      I disagree with him and will try to change his mind.
                      But he's entitled to dislike them for what ever reason. Even if he just hates homos because homo starts with an H.
                      And I'm entitled to slam him for being a fool.
                      You'd do the same thing if the word "homosexual" was replaced with "jew" in this thread. I guarantee it.

                      Actually, if it was "jew" this thread would surely be closed.

                      I simply disagree with your tactic.
                      That argument is getting really old.
                      There is no tactic that can change his mind. I'm posting to this because I'm ****ing pissed off and I'm venting, I'm not trying to make him see the light. He's too blind for that.

                      Your goal should be to rid him of it, rather than exclaim how you hate him for being bigoted.
                      I can't help but think he'd be banned if he posted a thread about how he hated jews.

                      Is your problem with him saying it out loud or thinking it?
                      It's not like it came up in another discussion.
                      He randomly posted a new thread discussing how he dislikes a huge crossection of the population.
                      That's NOT RIGHT. He has every right to think it, but it's hurtful, annoying, and harassing for him to start a thread about it out of boredom.
                      "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                      Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                      • i don't consider getting drunk or heterosexual intercourse gross. Most of my friends don't get drunk enough to make them sick. sick is gross, and throw up is bad. so, as you can see that really isn't a problem...
                        "Mal nommer les choses, c'est accroître le malheur du monde" - Camus (thanks Davout)

                        "I thought you must be dead ..." he said simply. "So did I for a while," said Ford, "and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks. A kept myself amused all that time jumping in and out of a gin and tonic."


                        • So what is it that disgusts you about homosexuality, Kaak? Any reason why you're persistantly failing to answer the question?
                          The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                          • how to do this without being graphic enough for a vacation

                            the act of one man sticking his little friend in the places of another man that were never meant to have anything stuck there.

                            And don't tell me that heterosexual people do the same. There are inherent differences. Mainly that it is not end all be all of heterosexual activity. If two heteros have intercouse, their are all kinds of possibilities.

                            Not so with homos. Only two. 1: in the back, or 2: in the mouth
                            And a man should not have bob stuck either place.
                            "Mal nommer les choses, c'est accroître le malheur du monde" - Camus (thanks Davout)

                            "I thought you must be dead ..." he said simply. "So did I for a while," said Ford, "and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks. A kept myself amused all that time jumping in and out of a gin and tonic."


                            • Originally posted by Kaak
                              how to do this without being graphic enough for a vacation

                              the act of one man sticking his little friend in the places of another man that were never meant to have anything stuck there.

                              And don't tell me that heterosexual people do the same. There are inherent differences. Mainly that it is not end all be all of heterosexual activity. If two heteros have intercouse, their are all kinds of possibilities.

                              Not so with homos. Only two. 1: in the back, or 2: in the mouth
                              And a man should not have bob stuck either place.
                              Or rather, you would not like to do it.
                              Who are you to determine what others "should" or "should not" do?

                              You're a self-righteous *******.

                              There are men who commit sodomy with women. By your definition, oral sex is wrong too. The "friend" is not meant to enter the mouth of another.

                              I can completely understand why you can find gay sex disgusting. No doubt about that, and you're completely entitled to feel that way.

                              What I don't understand is why you need to make judgements on people's character based upon their sexual practices behind closed doors. Just who do you think you are?
                              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                              • i did not say mouth of anouther. I said a MAN's MOUTH. And i'm not one to tell people what to do. I would just rather not be around it. *feels like he is repeating himself*
                                "Mal nommer les choses, c'est accroître le malheur du monde" - Camus (thanks Davout)

                                "I thought you must be dead ..." he said simply. "So did I for a while," said Ford, "and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks. A kept myself amused all that time jumping in and out of a gin and tonic."

