Mr. Fun:
Actually most of the Blacks who remained in Africa benefitted from slavery. As some Blacks were carried off to slavery, the ones who stayed behind had better land and more animals and tools to work with, increasing their productivity and income. A similar effect was seen in Europe after the Black Death - those who survived were much better off economically. The real beneficairies here were the slave traders, who gained a valuable productive asset - slaves - that they could sell.
Once in the New World, the primary beneficiaries of slavery were not necessarily the slave owners. The reason is that they had to buy the slaves for an amount roughly equal to the value of the slave labor they expected to get out of them. The real beneficiaries in the New World were the original land owners who sold otherwise unproductive land at a price which reflected what it could produce using slave labor.
You can find much of this in a book entitled Time on the Cross by North and Thomas
I already stated before that a minority of blacks benefitted from the slave trade and from slavery itself.
Once in the New World, the primary beneficiaries of slavery were not necessarily the slave owners. The reason is that they had to buy the slaves for an amount roughly equal to the value of the slave labor they expected to get out of them. The real beneficiaries in the New World were the original land owners who sold otherwise unproductive land at a price which reflected what it could produce using slave labor.
You can find much of this in a book entitled Time on the Cross by North and Thomas