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Time to stop being America's lap-dog; on Britain and the USA

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Rage
    Personally id rather be ordered around by an American than a German
    Really?? I would much rather be ordered around by a German than an American. I think the British have much more in common with the rest of europe than the US. The only reason that some people think we are closer to the US is because of the common language. But just talking to ordinary people, I find I have much more in common with Europeans.

    I would really like to see the UK taking a firmer role in Europe. There is a hell of a lot the UK can contribute to the EU, and if there are things we don't like about it we should get more involved and try and fix them rather than moaning about them.

    Europe will at least listen to the UK's suggestions - the US will not.

    And I lived in Germany for 2years(i had to to keep my job)-i wasnt bothered ith germans then but after being called a British Sh**head for every day of the 2 years i quickly changed my mind
    Really? I also lived in Germany for 2+ years, and I found everyone really nice. I certainly was never called any names and I don''t think I had one unpleasant encounter.

    Do you get called a ****head in the UK too?

    Originally posted by paiktis22
    Don't bet on it. Germany alone would crush them like bugs. We wouldn't even have time to mobilize our forces (the rest of the EU).
    Erm.. I don't think so. The UK has by far the best army in Europe (although it isn't very big). The German army is a bit crap, since they have been forbidden (until recently) by their constitution from leaving Germany.
    Last edited by Rogan Josh; February 18, 2002, 12:12.


    • #77
      Don't bet on it. Germany alone would crush them like bugs. We wouldn't even have time to mobilize our forces (the rest of the EU).
      Germany doesnt have an 'army', We would 'crush them like bugs' with 1/10 of our mighty forces.

      Anyway, Here's what I think we should do.

      First we need to look at that piece of land called Ireland, they only cause us problems and thier citizens woudnt fit into our empire if we captured thier cities, so We should send over a load of Mech Inf and Raze thier cities, being close to home, we can then send over loads of our settlers to found some new cities there.

      Then we need to think about America, being the Big boy we need to bring them down quickily, and we've only got 47 years left before time runs out too!!

      So, we should form a MMP with France and Russia and Invade Germany, we should have control of thier cities in no time, I think we could make good use of the german citizens, so long as they are segragated from the rest of our population, Meanwhile Bush will leave us alone when he sees the size of our MMP!

      Anyway, once that is done we need to get rid of all the barbarians (greeks,slavs ect) In Europe, but that shoudnt be too hard.

      Once we've established a productive center in Germany, and got some settlements in Ireland and Eastern/Southern Europe we need to think about France!, by now our MMP has expired, and since they believe we should 'let it do so' we should really take France too.. sending troops from both sides to crush them. So, Once France is taken we can make use of cities and there shoudnt be too much corruption there, being close to our Capital.

      The Italians are too nice and great to Conquer, so we should let thier cities 'flip' over to us when they see our superior culture, same goes for the Scandinavians. By Now, Europe IS England!! and we're ready to give our Modern Armour a proper challenge. So , While Bush is still busy with the Moslems we need to make our move, Form a Military Alliance with The Russians,Canadians and Japanese and Destroy the Americans!!!

      Then we will should be set up nicely for a Histogram victory!
      Up The Millers


      • #78
        Originally posted by paiktis22

        england is capable of nothing besides whining over its past «glories» and act superior

        they are just a small pice of dirt on the west side of Europe.
        Well better than the armpit of Europe. It certainly smells like it, with a serious body odour problem
        Speaking of Erith:

        "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


        • #79
          err paiktas.

          Didnt the Brits come to save your ass against the ITALIANS (hehe the italians sucked) in WW2?


          • #80
            That is the stupidest focking thing i have ever read. I don't know what the hell is wrong with europeans. I have never criticized or condemned europeans as so many other americans do, but that if re-freaking-diculous. WE SAID IN THE BEGINNING WE WERE GOING TO TAKE CARE OF ALL THE TERRORISTS. Not just afghanistan and then stop. Now you idiots that all agreed are complaining. Britain complaining about US not giving enough money to other countries?! I would LOVE to see the numbers on this, but I would wager that the US sends more money to suffering countries than all the EU combined. As far as acting unilaterally, etc. SO FREAKING WHAT? WE spend the money to have the power to do what the FOCK WE WANT. Don't like? Do something about it. Holly hell. France, i'm beginning to think is a nation of pussies. And we can wage war against whomever we want. Not the same US...$hit... Stupid fockers like that should be shot.
            "Mal nommer les choses, c'est accroître le malheur du monde" - Camus (thanks Davout)

            "I thought you must be dead ..." he said simply. "So did I for a while," said Ford, "and then I decided I was a lemon for a couple of weeks. A kept myself amused all that time jumping in and out of a gin and tonic."


            • #81
              Originally posted by Kaak
              Not the same US...$hit... Stupid fockers like that should be shot.
              You're a great advocate of free speech aren't you?


              • #82
                I would wager that the US sends more money to suffering countries than all the EU combined.

                The EU combined gives a LOT more money to suffering countries than the US does. Roland has the exact figures I believe.
                Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Kaak
                  That is the stupidest focking thing i have ever read. I don't know what the hell is wrong with europeans. I have never criticized or condemned europeans as so many other americans do, but that if re-freaking-diculous. WE SAID IN THE BEGINNING WE WERE GOING TO TAKE CARE OF ALL THE TERRORISTS. Not just afghanistan and then stop.
                  And we, from the beginning said that you would have to provide sufficient evidence (proof, y'know, innocent until proven guilty thing...) that a) They were terrorists, and b) That they were a direct threat to US freedom or safety.
                  Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                  "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis

