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Time to stop being America's lap-dog; on Britain and the USA

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  • Time to stop being America's lap-dog; on Britain and the USA

    From the Guardian, on Britain and the USA:

    The most important political story of our time is the rise of the American Right and the near collapse of American liberalism. This has transformed the political and cultural geography of the United States and now it is set to transform the political and cultural geography of the West. Britain's reflex reactions to an ally with whom we apparently share so much and which has served us well are going to be tested as never before.

    The signals are all around. It takes extraordinary circumstances to produce the kind of warnings voiced over the last week by Chris Patten, EU commissioner for external affairs and former chairman of the Conservative Party, but these circumstances are extraordinary. Patten has damned the emerging US reliance on its fantastic military superiority over all other nations to pursue what it wants as it wants as an 'absolutist and simplistic' approach to the rest of the world that is ultimately self-defeating. It is also intellectually and morally wrong. He is the first ranking British politician to state so boldly what has been a commonplace in France and Germany for weeks.

    The most obvious flashpoint is the weight of evidence that after Afghanistan George Bush intends a massive military intervention to topple Iraq's Saddam Hussein. Dangerous dictator he may be, but the unilateral decision to declare war upon another state without a casus belli other than suspicion will upset the fabric of law on which international relations rests, as well as destabilising the Middle East.

    American loyalists shrug their shoulders; Tony Blair is reported to have said privately that 'if we can get rid of Baghdad, we should', a devastatingly naive remark which so far stands uncorrected. This is the traditional British view that insists we stick close to the US. It remains the same good America that has been on the right side of the great conflicts of the last 100 years; worthwhile allies put up with the bad decisions as well as the good.

    But it's not the same good America. The postwar US that reconstructed Europe and led an international liberal economic and social order has disappeared completely. Its former leaders would no more volunteer the scale of defence spending now contemplated in the US - a 12 per cent, $48 billion increase on an already stunning military budget - while offering the less developed countries close to nothing in increased aid flows, debt relief and market access than fly to the Moon. Yet Bush has only agreed to attend next month's crucial UN conference in Monterey on global governance and Third World development strategies if it is understood that the question of money is not be raised.

    It is this essential stance, along with the tearing down of international weapons treaties and last week's feeble move on global warming that tells us how profoundly conservative the US has become. Unilateralism, as Patten argues, is not in itself ignoble - states pursue their self-interests - but US unilateralism is uncompromisingly absolutist because it is ideological, which is what it makes so dangerous.

    American conservatism, following the teaching of the influential conservative American political philosopher Leo Strauss, unites patriotism, unilateralism, the celebration of inequality and the right of a moral ‚lite to rule into a single unifying ideology. As Professor Shadia Drury describes in Leo Strauss and the American Right (St Martin's Press), Strauss's core idea that just states must be run by moral, religious, patriotic individuals and that income redistribution, multilateralism and any restraint on individual liberty are mortal enemies of the development of such just ‚lites is the most influential of our times.

    Paul Wolfowitz, the deputy secretary of state for defence pushing for an early invasion of Iraq, is a Straussian. So is John Ashcroft, the attorney-general, who has legislated for military tribunals both to try and execute suspected terrorists beyond the rule of law. Straussians build up the military capacity of the nation while invoking the Bible and the flag. This is not prejudice; this is a coherent ideological position.

    The emergence of the largely reactionary south and west of the US as its new economic and political centres of gravity; the weakness of its rules on campaign finance which allow rich, usually conservative, candidates to buy elections; the inability of American liberals to fight back; the embrace of Straussian ideas, laced with traditional anti-tax, free-market nostrums - these ingredients make a deadly cocktail.

    They have transformed American politics, so that even an essentially progressive President like Clinton found himself behaving, as he acknowledged, like an Eisenhower Republican, while being the object of a co-ordinated conservative conspiracy in first the Whitewater investigations and later the Starr inquiry. The Supreme Court's suspension of the Florida recount in December 2000, to gift the presidency to Bush, is part of the same story.

    This destructive conservatism is contested fiercely, especially on the liberal, internationalist seaboards. Many good Americans are as bewildered by their current leaders and ideas as we are. But they are not in control. What the world has to deal with is not just the Bush administration, but the internal forces that put it there and will continue to constrain the US even without it. Iraq, the continuing defence build-up, disdain for international law and total uninterest in the 'soft' aspects of security - aid, trade, health, education and debt - are now givens in US policy.

    Before this challenge, Britain, in its own self-interest, has to play the same balance-of-power politics it used to do in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Europe. That means siding with the EU and no longer being US conservatism's lapdog. We cannot, for example, be part of the US national missile defence system if its purpose is to destroy the fabric of international law or join America's war against Iraq.

    Mr Blair should beware. Trying to be both pro-European and pro-American will no longer work. There is a choice and, if he does not make it, ultimately it will wreck his premiership. In an era of globalisation, it is international affairs that determine the fate of governments, because party Whips cannot contain the consequent passions. The Tories broke over Europe. Labour will break over too-slavish fealty to this US.
    Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit

  • #2
    The emergence of the largely reactionary south and west of the US as its new economic and political centres of gravity; the weakness of its rules on campaign finance which allow rich, usually conservative, candidates to buy elections; the inability of American liberals to fight back;

    Someone doesn't understand US campaigning at all. The Democrats have at least as many rich donors as the Republicans.
    And they (the Democrats) can hardly be considered "liberal" by any real definition of the word. No party that supports book bans can justly label itself "liberal". It's just a sign of how much the language has been abused by politicans that they get away with it.

    Anyway, there are too many errors in that article to bother with.

    A closed mouth gathers no feet


    • #3
      The Democrats have at least as many rich donors as the Republicans.
      And they (the Democrats) can hardly be considered "liberal" by any real definition of the word. No party that supports book bans can justly label itself "liberal". It's just a sign of how much the language has been abused by politicans that they get away with it.
      The article didn't say the Democrats are liberal.

      I'm pretty sure he was talking about left-wing democrats and the greens when refering to "liberals" in the USA. And usually, they don't stand a chance.
      Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


      • #4
        Britain is European, we need to remember that...


        • #5
          --"The article didn't say the Democrats are liberal."

          The comment about "election buying" makes it hard to ascribe any other meaning to his use of the term liberal. If he meant something else using that term in the rest of the article then it's poorly written as well as poorly researched.

          I think therefore I'm dangerous


          • #6
            It's not easy typing with a baby in your arms, but I'll give it a go.

            You know, this habit of posting entire editorial columns and saying "debate this" w/o the original poster adding anything of substance is not only lazy, but getting rather tiresome. I think that debates of this type are popular at - y'all might want to try it there...


            • #7
              Time to stop being America's lap-dog

              I'll have you know that Britain is the least compliant of all the 51 states.
              One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sagacious Dolphin
                Time to stop being America's lap-dog

                I'll have you know that Britain is the least compliant of all the 51 states.
                No, that would be California.
                Gaius Mucius Scaevola Sinistra
                Japher: "crap, did I just post in this thread?"
                "Bloody hell, Lefty.....number one in my list of persons I have no intention of annoying, ever." Bugs ****ing Bunny
                From a 6th grader who readily adpated to internet culture: "Pay attention now, because your opinions suck"


                • #9
                  I think that debates of this type are popular at - y'all might want to try it there...
                  This article would most likely cause 5 minutes of intense screaming containing words "communist", "Klinton" and "socialist news media propaganda", after which the kindly moderator deletes it.
                  "Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
                  "That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world


                  • #10
                    Yes, our mighty empire should waken itself to the atrocities america is commiting and declare war on them..... well, perhaps that going a little far
                    Up The Millers


                    • #11
                      Europeans are still stuck in the belief, that if they treat everyone else nicely they will be left alone in their island of properity by other poorer people. China held a similar view in the 14th century, and was later rewarded with Japanese pirate invasions, Manchurian conquests, and the 2 Opium Wars.

                      The only way to ensure our peace and propersity is to display strength and power, so that other weaker nations realize that only peaceful competition will bring success, and that violent confrontations will lead to more humiliations and tribulations.


                      • #12
                        I hope Stefu doesn't mind me reposting his joke

                        Originally posted by Sagacious Dolphin
                        I'll have you know that Britain is the least compliant of all the 51 states.
                        Tony Blair's office. Tony's doing some, uh, British government stuff, whatever they do there except burn sheep and have sex scandals, not necessarily in that order. Suddenly, line to Washington rings. tony lifts the phone.

                        "Oh, hello, George. You wish to discuss foreign politics?"
                        Just your typical British toadying to America going on. But then, something happens. Fiery look takes over Blair's face, his back straightens, and it looks like he has gained few cents. He bangs his fist on table, and veins on his forehead stand out as he sternly intones:
                        "For the last time, George, answer to your question is NO!"
                        And then he hangs up the phone.

                        Aides come in, wondering.

                        "You said no... how did you dare to do it... I wouldn't have... You said no..."

                        And Tony kicks back, puts his hands behind his head, rises his feet on desk, and smiles a bit and says:

                        "Well... George just wanted to know if I've ever noticed any disagreements in our warm and close relationship."
                        I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                        For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                        • #13
                          "The most important political story of our time is the rise of the American Right and the near collapse of American liberalism."

                          Whoever wrote this is an idiot who knows nothing of US politics. Yes, right now the Conservatives are in power. With another election a liberal could take power. The political parties alternate, just as in the UK. Liberalism has far from collapsed-- a liberal nearly won the presidency and a liberal is the majority leader of the Senate.

                          "as an 'absolutist and simplistic' approach to the rest of the world that is ultimately self-defeating."

                          Right. We are good, those who support terrorism are bad.

                          "Dangerous dictator he may be, but the unilateral decision to declare war upon another state without a casus belli other than suspicion will upset the fabric of law on which international relations rests,"

                          First off, we are not going to unilaterally declare war on anyone. We can't topple Saddam without the support of some of Iraq's neighbors, so any decision we make will not be unilateral. Afghanistan was not unilateral either-- we had support of nearly all the international community. Most complaints about US unilateralism have to do with internal US affairs- such as environmental policy.

                          "Its former leaders would no more volunteer the scale of defence spending now contemplated in the US "

                          That defense spending is because we were attacked and we are at war. Nations increase their defense budget when they go to war.

                          "increased aid"

                          We aid countries by helping them to remove their opressive governments, as we did recently in Afghanistan and Kosovo.

                          "international weapons treaties"

                          How does getting rid of the Anti-Missle Defense system hurt Britain's interest? Notice how even Putin's complaints were minimal.

                          "influential conservative American political philosopher Leo Strauss"

                          Influenital? I have never heard of him. Sounds like someone is using a strawman.

                          "the celebration of inequality"

                          Is this person trying to be funny?

                          "The emergence of the largely reactionary south and west of the US as its new economic and political centres of gravity"

                          The west and east coasts are still strong. But saying the west is reactionary is absurd-- Gore won every state that borders the Great Lakes except Ohio and Indiana.

                          "the weakness of its rules on campaign finance which allow rich, usually conservative, candidates to buy elections"

                          A campaign finance law is about to soon be passed, and even still the Democrats have plenty rich donors.

                          "President like Clinton found himself behaving, as he acknowledged, like an Eisenhower Republican,"

                          Clinton was very concerned with pushing an international liberal agenda-- he built up relations with Russia and China and did humanitarian interventions such as Kosovo and Somalia.

                          "The Supreme Court's suspension of the Florida recount in December 2000, to gift the presidency to Bush, is part of the same story."

                          Future recounts showed that even if the recount had gone forward, Bush still would have won.

                          "That means siding with the EU and no longer being US conservatism's lapdog."

                          Britain is not the US's lapdog, rather Blair has a lot of influence in US foreign policy because he is our strong ally. And whether the author realizes it or not, the US is still allied with most EU nations.

                          The article didn't say the Democrats are liberal."

                          They aren't? The democratic candidate for President's slogan was "The people, not the powerful". Clinton was an internationalist, and an environmentalist. The Senate is controlled by the Democrats, and the Senate Democrats are controlled by it's liberal leadership.
                          "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

                          "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand


                          • #14
                            Hey, Can I join the Apolyton Capitalist Party ?
                            Up The Millers


                            • #15
                              britain should be faced with dire embargoes and financial penalties for being an obstacle to further integration and thus peace and prosperity in Europe

