Right, I never said I was being fair, I was just being completely honest. There are sick weirdos that come in all shapes, sizes, and incomes, we just sometimes steretype them.
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Northern European's latent racism
Jesse Jackson once said:
That one of the worst moments of his life was when he was walking down a street in Washington D.C. at 0200 in the morning.
He heard footsteps behind him and became nervous. When he turned around, he saw a white face, and WAS RELIEVED!
I remembered that as soon as I saw Orange's post, because I have had experiences such as that myself...
Now, after I read this thread, I realize that I am deep down racist, due to my German ancestry. Thanks for clearing that up for me!!!
The guy who started this thread has a serious case of the "White Devils".
But chances are, he also has a case of the "Dark Devils" the "Mildly Brown Devils" and perhaps the "mid-to-light brown devils".
Having spent a little time in Albania and FYROM, I can tell you that the Northern Europeans have nothing on the Southern Europeans. I have seen firsthand their racial handiwork.
I guess it's deep down in their "mentality".Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks...
Typical answer...
When you have nothing intelligent to say, you insult.
Anyway, I am wondering how you can say this drivel, considering the Germans and English take in more refugees than anybody else...
Politely awaiting your next insult...
Please make it better than the last...Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks...
You get what you ask for. If you make quick assumptions about me don't be surprised if my answers are satyrical.
As for the english and the germans, please read up the thread. I am not in the mood for repeting arguments which I have written over and over again.
Just for the scoop: we are not talking about immigration and xenophobia but about white northern european latent racism which consists of a subconscious pride in being "white" and "supieror".
Pretty much like you demonstrated here with splashing over the screen your german roots
I hope I lived up to your expectations.
Now read the thread find the answers to what you've written and if you have something to add please do so.
Actually, I think NOW we are discussing your racist tendencies...
Or at least I am...
Why do you feel that you are superior to white Northern Europeans? (Excluding those nice Scandinavians of course)
By pointing out their inherent weaknesses (Racism) are you not making a case that you are better than them?
Throwing stones to cover your hands again?
P.S. Insults were not bad, but include stronger more racially motivated ones next time!! (The hack on my Germanic descent was good though)
Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks...
Yes, accusing me of being a racist because I try to demonstrate the superiority of the southern europeans (TM).
It was one of the first arguments. Keep reading the thread. I think you are propably in the first few posts. That's when this natural backlash was mentioned. Keep reading. Post when you have something new to say please.
As you are just looking for attention...
I'll give you one more post...
The truly frightening thing about you is that you believe this crap that you are spouting off about. People are allowed their opinions, and yours are slightly scary. I just hope you don't have too many friends who think like you.
As I have wasted enough time poking and prodding you, I can now declare you a racist.
Since you have declared a couple hundred million people that (racists), it shouldn't be that big of deal to you.
Normally I am quite impressed with people who do not waver from their convictions...
But not this time.Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks...
Originally posted by paiktis22
Yes, accusing me of being a racist because I try to demonstrate the superiority of the southern europeans (TM).
It was one of the first arguments. Keep reading the thread. I think you are propably in the first few posts. That's when this natural backlash was mentioned. Keep reading. Post when you have something new to say please."I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!
paiktis22: Before I actually bother to take part in this debate, I would like *you* to post some statistics showing that northern europeans are latent racists. Since you have disregarded everybody else´s statistics, I wait for some of your own.
I cannot assign a label to each Northern European for racism since I have no statistical data about it or haven't spoke with every single of them nor even a percentage but I tend to form a general idea from what you post here or elsewhere or your media broadcast or after visiting your country.
What you post here might give a true or false impression about your nation to the rest.
I personally don't "buy" that easy everything I see here but I admit that my judge get affected when I constantly and by many note the same reactions.
And I think that most if not all of you form an impression in a similar way.
Racist? It must be a person with limited knowledge and/or imagination and/or self-respect and/or superiority or inferiority complex unless his nation have suffered a lot and constantly by another one.
Didn't human kind origin from Africa? Then why hate or lough at Africans?
And when Southern Europe, Middle & Far East & South Asia had great civilizations the rest of the world were mostly a bunch of monkeys jumping from tree to tree.
So why misvalue Greeks, Egyptians, or Chinese?
Because they suck nowadays?
So did you back then when they thrived.
Americans, British, French, Germans, Italians, Egyptians, Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Australians, Blacks, Whites etc. are all the same.
They all did their part in history.
They all contributed to the rest of the humanity in their time.