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Skandinaviska tråden

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    • Originally posted by Aivo½so
      Voi elämä.
      I think my sig maybe doesn't apply fully to the latest Icehocke, but it is the best place to live in nevertheless (until I've found something better)
      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


      • Let's decide this in the World Championships in Sweden this spring.
        "If you are a young gangster on your first date, wouldn't it be awfully embarassing if someone tried to murder you?"
        - Jack Handey


        • SÃ¥, hur mÃ¥nga svenskar har inte röstat i Apolyton LOCATION Survey?
          Jag har en känsla av att vi är fler än 6.
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • Originally posted by Carolus_Rex
            Let's decide this in the World Championships in Sweden this spring.
            Are the games this year? My friend insisted that they were in 2003 spring...?
            Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


            • I don't really have anything against Norwegians. Norwegian is man's best friend.

              Forgive me for posting this in English, but I don't know enough of yer heathen languages to make this in any other fashion.

              In any case, I've been informed that a popular Norwegian entertainment show contains a character named 'Pirkka'. Pirkka, apparently, is Finnish, drunk, and criminal.

              Now, Finnish entertainment shows have delighted in mocking foreigners, as well. Swedes, in particular, those little effeminate blondes. However, I don't believe that we have ever put together an accurate yet humoristic portrayal of Norwegians. Therefore, let me represent my concept for Next Great Finnish Comedy Show.


              Now, as you can guess, Thor-Olof is Norwegian. You can guess this merely by looking at the character, as he always wears a Viking helmet, sealskin jacket, rubber boots and ski pants. He also has a big, Viking-style beard. Thor-Olof is a seal clubber, although he's currently unemployed. What really keeps Thor-Olof in food and clothing are twenty enormous oil barrels he keeps in his basement and which he occasionally sells at high price.

              Now, I've also crafted a few episodes together. Here we have only six episodes, but more would surely be forthcoming:

              1. ÖRRÖRRÖRRÖRRÖR: Thor-Olof happens to accidentally hear some black metal, as he visits his local music store. He rapidly descents into Satanism and running around in forest with an axe like an idiot. See our hero burning churches and growling! Finally, as no bandmates are in sight, Thor-Olof tries to sacrifice himself to Odin and has to snap out of it.

              2. ÖKKE ÖKKE HÖJ HÖJ: Heartwarming adventure follows, as Thor-Olof's precious oil barrels are stolen. See how previously wealthy Thor-Olof descents into abject poverty without his oil riches! Finally, however, Thor-Olof manages to steal his oil barrels back, and can live on as always, without a care of world about what happens when oil barrels run out.

              3. FJORDFJORDFJORDFJORDFJORD: Thor-Olof goes out drinking, but instead of emulating his Viking forefathers, Thor-Olof ends up lying in gutter after two pints. (NOTE: EVEN THOUGH SERIES ARE OTHERWISE IN FINNISH, WHILE THOR-OLOF'S DRUNK, HE SPEAKS NORWEGIAN.)

              4. VIDKUN! VIDKUN QUISLING!: Thor-Olof tries to join his local neighborhood club, but ends up resigning in unnecessary paranoia that this would somehow affect his independence.

              5. OSLO BERGEN TRONDHEIM TROMSA: In a special episode, Cooking with Thor-Olof, we learn to prepare traditional Norwegian dish, cod. We also learn how to make cod soup, cod sandwiches, cod stuffed with cod and spiced with powdered cod, and how to compliment it all with a glassful of cod juide.

              6. NYNORSK GAMMALNORSK: Thor-Olof finally gets a job! His new job is hunting whales for "scientific purposes". Squeal with joy as Thor-Olof's ship evades yet again the crafty environmentalists looking to interfere with how Norway conducts it's business!

              In fact, Finnish TV needs even more series about Scandinavians. We could have one abot Pelle Svensson, the blonde Swedish male(?) who always wears a hairnet and safety helmet, and about Hans Rasmussen-Rasmussen, morbidly fat Danish porn merchant who has a bad tendency to surrender in fights without doing anything. We could also have a show about Icelanders, but no-one knows what Icelanders actually look like and do they even exist.

              There! Humorist's work is never done.
              Last edited by Stefu; March 7, 2002, 11:57.
              "Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
              "That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world


              • And they say finnish people have no sense of humor...
                I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                • Hvordan liker dere svensker og dansker filmen Elling?


                  • Originally posted by Lars-E
                    Hvordan liker dere svensker og dansker filmen Elling?
                    Norge är ju inte precis känt för sina filmer men Elling liksom Junk Mail (av Pål Slettun) är två av mina favoriter.
                    I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


                    • Klart inte norsk film kan konkurrera med svensk dito med filmer som rymdinvasion i Lappland...


                      • Tar genast tillbaka allt jag implicerade om skandinavisk film och/eller TV, upptäckte att "The Brady Bunch" börjat sändas pÃ¥ svenska Kanal 5.


                        • Originally posted by Kropotkin
                          Klart inte norsk film kan konkurrera med svensk dito med filmer som rymdinvasion i Lappland...
                          Ja, eller klåpare som Mauritz Stiller och Ingmar Bergman...
                          I love being beaten by women - Lorizael

