Ah yeah.
Thou Shalt Not Kill Unlawfully.
During war, all killings are acts of war, and therefore legal. The al-Quieda are not PoWs, because it was not a war, therefore it was murder.
Either it was not murder, and they deserve Geneva protection, or it was murder, and against the word of God.
mur·dered, mur·der·ing, mur·ders
v. tr.
To kill (another human) unlawfully.
To kill brutally or inhumanly.
To put an end to; destroy: murdered their chances.
To spoil by ineptness; mutilate: a speech that murdered the English language.
Slang. To defeat decisively; trounce.
v. tr.
To kill (another human) unlawfully.
To kill brutally or inhumanly.
To put an end to; destroy: murdered their chances.
To spoil by ineptness; mutilate: a speech that murdered the English language.
Slang. To defeat decisively; trounce.
During war, all killings are acts of war, and therefore legal. The al-Quieda are not PoWs, because it was not a war, therefore it was murder.
Either it was not murder, and they deserve Geneva protection, or it was murder, and against the word of God.