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The weak and stupid survive

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  • #31
    free condoms would make things worse. The stupid, ignorant people wouldn't use them. And the average and smart people wouldn't reproduce as fast as the stupid people.

    Condoms = bad. just kidding of course

    condoms + education = good.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Dissident
      free condoms would make things worse. The stupid, ignorant people wouldn't use them. And the average and smart people wouldn't reproduce as fast as the stupid people.
      That is what is happening already. I think monitary incentives to get sterilized could help things though.
      ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
      ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


      • #33
        I think that would be insulting and not accepted. Although with enough monetary incentive that could work. We'd have to offer more money than the Jerry Springer show offers though


        • #34
          Why do the weak and stupid survive?

          Blame the liberals for destroying the gene-pool. Otherwise there would be nobody to vote for them.


          • #35
            Well the next question is what qualities we would need to eliminate and what qualities we want to promote. Even this is shady since even people who are obviously handicapped (Stephen Hawking, Pres. Bush ) are able to advance knowledge.

            Intelligence also is not a one shot deal. There is no real way to measure overall intelgience. A person who can barely do algebra but may have enough common sense to run a country . Just what exactly are good qualities in a person and how do we isolate them?

            Another point about how unfeasable eugenics is, is if we have a bunch of muscular Nobel prize winners running around who's going to be the garbage man?
            When one is someone, why should one want to be something?
            ~Gustave Flaubert


            • #36
              Look at the title of this thread. The dead computer geek's death in this case is a compliment!
              I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

              "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


              • #37
                I think we can all agree that all people who go on talk shows like Jerry Springer and Jenny Jones can be sterilized and never allowed to reproduce


                • #38
                  Originally posted by ThePantaloonDog
                  Another point about how unfeasable eugenics is, is if we have a bunch of muscular Nobel prize winners running around who's going to be the garbage man?
                  We could make garbage robots then.
                  ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
                  ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by ThePantaloonDog
                    Intelligence also is not a one shot deal. There is no real way to measure overall intelgience. A person who can barely do algebra but may have enough common sense to run a country . Just what exactly are good qualities in a person and how do we isolate them?
                    Instead of saying it cant be decided we should talk about it and make a positive decision. Once we advance gene tech we will have the answers anyway.
                    ...people like to cry a lot... - Pekka
                    ...we just argue without evidence, secure in our own superiority. - Snotty


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Caligastia
                      Thats not true actually. The US and many european counries had eugenics programs going long before hitler came to power. If it wasnt for Hitlers abuse of eugenics it would probably still be in practice today.
                      It is this abuse which makes eugenics such a dangerous tool.

                      The fact is that some people are intrinsically better or worse than others. Just as in the plant and animal kingdom, because after all, we are just glorified monkeys.
                      We must define better. "more able to survive in the wild"? I'd agree with you. "more deserving to pass on their genetic material"? No way. Excepting gene therapy by specific request of the person involved, any changing of genetic materials is by no means good. I would much rather have weak and stupid people than a government or other agency than could decide whether or not my genetic material was suitable to pass on.
                      I refute it thus!
                      "Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!"


                      • #41
                        Did it ever occur to any of you that natural selection is already doing its job? Human beings get their edge from their brains. A human alone and without training doesn't have much pf an edge over other animals. Gather a whole bunch of these brains together and voila, you get a culture. Humans living within a culture clearly have a huge advantage over other species. Among humans natural selection should logically favor those who can thrive in a group setting.
                        "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


                        • #42
                          umm...ya but the moron's and lazy people are creating more offspring then the rest of us.


                          • #43
                            but Dr Strangelove, in order for evolution to work, the "inferior" must either die or leave less offspring (usually both).

                            That's not what's happening in today's world.

                            (Not that I'm for the resuming of evolution in today's human society. That would be a horrible idea.)
                            Poor silly humans. A temporarily stable pattern of matter and energy stumbles upon self-cognizance for a moment, and suddenly it thinks the whole universe was created for its benefit. -- mbelleroff


                            • #44
                              yes but that would mean we would remain humans for the next 10 billion years (not that i really care)

                              Arent we supposed to be progressing to the Utopian Master-Race

                              Also, wouldnt other species catch up to us?


                              • #45

                                in a few centuries at the most, genetic engineering will be so widespread that the gene pool is being artificially improved.

                                On the other hand, we could all go boom in a Nuclear War. The post-apocalyptic human beings (or mutants thereof) will live in a fully evolutionary environment, with all the evolutionary elements like lots of mutation, predators, lack of food, diseases etc present.
                                Poor silly humans. A temporarily stable pattern of matter and energy stumbles upon self-cognizance for a moment, and suddenly it thinks the whole universe was created for its benefit. -- mbelleroff

