jasev -
The Moors did not invade to "liberate" native Iberians. If the Visigoths who fought the Moors were defending that system, then I have no sympathy for them, but the Moors were not saints and had no right to the land either.
But the key there is those who "didn't resist" and "changing over to muslim taxes". The Moors had no right to impose taxes on Iberians.
The Spanish who eventually rebelled against the Moors might have thought differently.
And those who did resist were killed or run off.
Slavery is part of history but that doesn't make it moral. And yes, I can judge all history. Morality doesn't change, only the opinions of people. But if we asked ancient peoples who were enslaved if slavery was moral, I don't think they'd say, yes.
The US actually left the Hopi, Pueblo and Navaho alone for the most part because their lands were considered too desolate, and to this day they still occupy ancestral lands. But the Spanish were quite brutal to them. Remember Coronado? Spanish armies and missionaries following in his wake tried to subjugate the Pueblo and to a lesser extent, the Hopi and Navaho, and in 1680, the Indians rebelled in a bloody war successfully repelling the Spanish.
Maybe, but when they posess this land as a result of a former invasion and a racist polytical sistem, they lose many of their rights.
I know my english is quite poor, but I'm sure I said moors didn't kill civilians. Those who didn't resist and accepted the new rule continued with their lives, changing visigoth taxes for muslim taxes.
The only people who lost with the moor invasion was the king and a part of the dirigent class. Under my point of view, the only murderers are those who send their men to battle only to protect their own privileges.
Protecting from who?
As I said, those who didn't resist preserved their lives and posessions. They only changed the government.
War is part of the history, and maybe one of the engines that move it. And you can't judge the wars in the 8th century with a 22nd century morale.
Forgive my ignorance, but... what did we do to them? Did we almost exterminate them? I don't think so, it was US job.