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The Best And The Worst Of Your Countries History.

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  • I think it was one bomb in every 20 that landed withen a thousand yards of the IP (intial, or aiming point) was considered a hit.
    I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
    i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


    • Given enough will, US and UK should have defeated the Russians after 1945. Stalin knew that, and that's why he didn't go too far in the Berlin Blockade.

      Basically after 1945, the Western Allies had advantage in every aspect: manpower, industrial capacities, weaponry(expect for tanks), and nukes. What the West lacked was the will to pick a fight with the Soviets. So unless the West was attacked first, there would be no enough internal support to fight a total war.

      In the Soviet-German war, the Soviets won because of superior manpower and indutrial capacities, plus the massive aids from the West. Those advantages would be gone if they decided to fight the US and UK.

      As for English crimes against the Irish, the worst acts were committed during the rule of Cromwell, who, besides massacring thousands of Irishmen, also decreed that no Irish could own land in their home country and practice catholicism. The famine due to the potatoe blight of the 19th century was more a result of criminal negligence than intentional murder and oppression.

      I always think it's kind funny for the Hollywood to portray America as the freedom fighters with puny resources. But in most wars, America is the one with Imperial resources.


      • Australia..... these are just ones I can think of off the top of my head...

        - Eureka Stockade
        - Whitlam Government 72 - 75
        - Ben Chifley
        - Environmentalist Protests beginning in the 70s (Terania Creek, Franklin River, anti-Nuclear, etc)
        - Native Title
        - March for Reconciliation
        - The Actor John Howard (not the PM) apologizing on the Comic TV show "The Games"
        - Don Chipp's Democrat Party "keeping the bastards honest" provided an opportunity to break the Liberal/Labor duopoly on Aussie Politics

        - Aboriginal massacres (Myall Creek, etc)
        - Blindly following the British "mother country" in WW1
        - Letting the British test nuclear weapons at Maralinga
        - White Australia policy
        - Sending troops to Vietnam ("All the way with LBJ" - Harold Holt)
        - The Whitlam Dismissal
        - Pauline Hanson
        - The outcome of the Republic Referendum
        - The Olympics
        - '96, '98 and '01 Elections.... and....
        - Our Prime Minister permanently attaching his lips to GW Bush's arse....

        I didn't say I wouldn't be biased

