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The Israeli Retaliation Begins

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  • Zylka's right. Not afraid to post his mind. They are zealot monkeys, savages, murderers of innocents. Difference between Israeli "Terrorists" is that Israeli "Terrorirsts" NEVER targeted innocent civilians, young people on a Saturday night, family places, etc. Only British military structures.


    • Well, I just skimmed through this thread and I see lots of quotes and heavy use of capital letters. So I am assuming people's opinions are conflicting.

      Perhaps I shouldn't make light of such a difficult and complex situation. Somehow, though, I have a funny feeling that the opinions expressed here will not solve much.

      Part of the problem here as I see it is Ariel Sharon's credibility. It must be tough being a guy with two women's names. Why didn't Isreal reelect that guy who had a name that sounded like some cool new web browser, Netanyahu?


      • The way it looks now he will be reelected soon.

        Another suicide bomber exploded today... bla bla bla.
        "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


        • Originally posted by Eli
          The way it looks now he will be reelected soon.

          Another suicide bomber exploded today... bla bla bla.
          No, that's the point - his military strikes have proven to be ineffective time and time again!

          They merely stoke the fires of hatred!

          One day you will realise that people like Sharon are actually part of the cause of Israeli civilians getting blown to bits!

          PS will one of the Mods kindly ban Zylka (and Doormat) for these outrageous racist slurs!

          Zylka's been busted for worse before, so it's plain he's pushing the envelope to see what he can get away with - if scum like this aren't stopped now they just get worse!

          At the very least it's offensive to Monkeys to be compared with murderous terrorists!
          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


          • I agree with you MOBIUS. The military strikes were absolutely innefective.
            By destroying two Helicopters and a few empty buildings we didnt hurt at all the capability of the Palestinian terrorists to hold weapons or to make bombs.
            "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


            • Israel knows what it has to do if it wants the circle of violence to stop.


              • We heard you in the first two times you said that.
                "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                • Well, that just sums up your views doesn't it! Ii find it rather amazing that you can make excuses for such atrocity.

                  No it doesn't sum up my views.

                  Search for my posts. I always made ti clear that terror is not something I support and that I deplore Isralei terror as well.

                  However, I still find the difference.

                  Irgun wanted to make a demosntration of power - planted a bomb and called to have it vacated, only not to be taken serious by the uptight britts.

                  Hamas and Jihad however are keen on killing and injuring. The nails they plant, the delayed charges meant to hurt rescue workers and the fact they mingle with people, esp. children, all prove it.

                  So if you know where they are why don't you arrest them? Surely you don't lack the knowledge? (or am I being too blunt for you?)

                  We arrest most, but it's not that easy since to do this we have to make an incursion. And still hundreds of militants have been captured. Some trialed, some in administrative arrest.

                  As far as working in Lebanon and syria goes, it's not very easy after we pulled out from lebanon, as it's problematic to do commando work in foreign countries. Be sure we have infiltrated all we could though

                  Originally posted by DinoDoc
                  The group Arafat was in charge of was Black September. I would have thought you'd have known that.
                  it was PLO, but they simply changed their name a couple of times as far as I remember...

                  I'm having troubles remembering exact anems and dates. It happens all the time.

                  Too many groups with month's and colors in them

                  Thanks though.


                  • Watched a show last night..

                    Question? Where goes Arafat after he is chased out of the west bank? Probably to Exile in Baghdad.

                    I doubt Syria would want him (golan negotations)


                    • Originally posted by Monoriu
                      I have heard of a solution to all this: Isreal unilaterally withdraw from West Bank and Gaza, build a solid, continuous wall along the border, and permanently seal it so that no Palestinian can get through.

                      Now, why isn't this feasible? I am interested to know.
                      I used to think it's a good plan but now I don't.

                      A big research, made by several psychology professors and military strategists and analyzers in Israel, about the character of Yassir Arafat, suggest that our whole attitude is wrong.

                      Unilateral steps will be accepted by him as victories and will only further support his usage of terror. The unilateral withdrawal from Lebanon is believed to have inspired Arafat for the 2nd intifada.

                      More conclusions is that Arafat isn't crazy, though has many megalomaniacal properties. He also is very much in control, though he likes being on the edge and steering through troubles.

                      He worries most about himself - his status, his money and mostly - how will he go down in history. He wants to go down as a leader through a fight - not the one that "gave up" (he sees peace as giving up on "greater palestine") to Israel.

                      I ahve a large article covering it from Yedioth which I can try and translate.

                      They merely stoke the fires of hatred!

                      We're not here to bring hatred or joy to the palestinian people. Israel's top concern is the well being of Israelis and Jews and that's how it will stay.

                      I know you'd prefer bringing happiness to the pals, as the happiness they demonstrated when 26 Israelis were butchered in terror, or on Sptember 11.

                      One day you will realise that people like Sharon are actually part of the cause of Israeli civilians getting blown to bits!

                      Had all jews suddenly left or better yet, drowned in the sea, then no one would have to be hurt!

                      However these evil jews are so persistent about their land and freedom and sovereignity that they defend themselves.

                      As long as we will defend ourselves there will be war. Until the arabs decide to stop attacking, we will continue defending ourselves.


                      • Israel gives Arafat a chance

                        Arafat was given a list of 36 top wanted personel which Israel has evidence stand in the head of terror, and 12 hours to prove the sincerety of his intentions.

                        The terror organizations said that they are still chasing palestinian police away and they don't care.

                        Military lawyers checked the declaration of the PA by Israel as a "terror supporting entity" and reached a conclusion it's meaningless since there is no such defenition in the Israeli law.

                        A definition which would mean the end of the peace process is "a terrorist organization" which prohibits the government from carrying out any negociations and calls for agressive actions against such entities. Hamas and Jihad are such entities. Until the Oslo accords, the PLO was such an entity.


                        • FG :
                          If he goes to Baghdad he will lose the remains of his international support. Let's hope he does it.
                          "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


                          • Re: ONLY POST FOR THE DAY

                            Originally posted by Bob Dornan
                            Are ya sure?

                            From what I remember, Black September was formed as a result of the PLO headed by Arafat being kicked out of Jordan by King Hussain.

                            This came after Arafat had staged an intifada in Jordan and tried to cause civil war and take power in Jordan.

                            King Hussein's army quickly killed most of the PLO army and kicked out Arafat, which fled to Lebanon, where in time he insitgated the start of the Civil War between muslims and christians.


                            • Originally posted by faded glory
                              Watched a show last night..

                              Question? Where goes Arafat after he is chased out of the west bank? Probably to Exile in Baghdad.

                              I doubt Syria would want him (golan negotations)
                              Arafat won't leave that easily.

                              He doesn't want to, and he can steer his way even from afar. He did that in the Madrid council.

                              Either he changes his ways, or Israel faces the choise of making sure he won't comeback to bother us.


                              • Originally posted by Sirotnikov
                                However, I still find the difference.

                                Irgun wanted to make a demosntration of power - planted a bomb and called to have it vacated, only not to be taken serious by the uptight britts.
                                Take a look here...

                                ...and tell me that Irgun were not terrorists. Or is being 'uptight' a crime punishable by death in Israel?

                                You will probably complain that this is a pro-palestine page, so let me post an extreme pro-israel page aswell.

                                I don't think it reflects very well on Israel and its formation though.

