Originally posted by Rex Little
A question for the pro-draft crowd: would you be in favor of drafting policemen? After all, the survival of our country depends on them fully as much as on soldiers, and their lives are at greater risk than the lives of soldiers (except soldiers serving in the front lines of an actual shooting war).
If you favor drafting soldiers but not policemen, can you explain why?
A question for the pro-draft crowd: would you be in favor of drafting policemen? After all, the survival of our country depends on them fully as much as on soldiers, and their lives are at greater risk than the lives of soldiers (except soldiers serving in the front lines of an actual shooting war).
If you favor drafting soldiers but not policemen, can you explain why?
Again, not particularly in favor of conscription as it allows the presense of whimperers and whiners.
Sometimes things we don't like are necessary though.