This item was in today's Detroit Free Press, one of two major papers in town...
Gay man is beaten to death in park
A gay man was beaten to death over the weekend in a park in Vancouver, Canada, apparently the victim of a hate crime, people said Monday.
Aaron Webster, 41, was found near death in Stanley Park by his best friend, authorities said. The friend, Tim Chisholm, tried to revive Webster but he died before help arrived Saturday.
Police said Webster had been beaten with either a baseball bat or a pool cue by a group of three or four men. They said they did not have any suspects.
Now, the other reason we got even this much information was due to our proximity to Canada; every Saturday night, you can hear the opening theme of Hockey Night in Canada wafting over the Detroit River from Windsor. Have any of our Canadian posters heard more about this?
I'm rather shocked. I spent some time in Vancouver this summer, including the better part of a day in Stanley Park. It was--by a country mile--the most beautiful city I had ever seen, and Stanley Park was magnificent. I saw gay & lesbian couples walking around, hand-in-hand, carefree and open--it was a great thing to see, the only time I've seen it outside of Ann Arbor. But now someone's been beaten to death for it? In Stanley Park? This shakes my whole perception of the city... I know it shouldn't, probably just an isolated incident, but still. Has anyone else experienced something like this, finding a place that they just instantly fall in love with, and then later hear a horrible story like this one?
Gay man is beaten to death in park
A gay man was beaten to death over the weekend in a park in Vancouver, Canada, apparently the victim of a hate crime, people said Monday.
Aaron Webster, 41, was found near death in Stanley Park by his best friend, authorities said. The friend, Tim Chisholm, tried to revive Webster but he died before help arrived Saturday.
Police said Webster had been beaten with either a baseball bat or a pool cue by a group of three or four men. They said they did not have any suspects.
Now, the other reason we got even this much information was due to our proximity to Canada; every Saturday night, you can hear the opening theme of Hockey Night in Canada wafting over the Detroit River from Windsor. Have any of our Canadian posters heard more about this?
I'm rather shocked. I spent some time in Vancouver this summer, including the better part of a day in Stanley Park. It was--by a country mile--the most beautiful city I had ever seen, and Stanley Park was magnificent. I saw gay & lesbian couples walking around, hand-in-hand, carefree and open--it was a great thing to see, the only time I've seen it outside of Ann Arbor. But now someone's been beaten to death for it? In Stanley Park? This shakes my whole perception of the city... I know it shouldn't, probably just an isolated incident, but still. Has anyone else experienced something like this, finding a place that they just instantly fall in love with, and then later hear a horrible story like this one?