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Infatuation Considers Christianity

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Provost Harrison
    Is this still going on?

    Does anyone actually believe him?

    From what I can tell, AH is nearer the truth...
    AH is the truth.

    I prayed to him for release from my cold - and lo, I was cured! Never in the annals of medical science has a cold got better by itself!

    Down with the false god of Coincidence! I shall sit by the right side of AH in heaven!


    • #77
      Originally posted by Osweld

      Religon isn't about all this garbage anyways, You should spend more time studying the religon's teachings and philosophies and less time worrying about who is going to be burning in hell.
      Biblical Christianity teaches that those who CHOOSE not to acknowledge Christ as savior will burn in Hell. Even a surface study of the Bible will show this.

      Ted Striker - I did not realize your comment was intended for serious response. I would suggest you read Romans 1:18-32. The point is very clearly made here that man has chosen to deny God and God has allowed it. Each person has a choice each time they hear the Gospel of Christ to either believe or deny it. In doing so, each person decides whether to spend eternity in Heaven or Hell.
      Are you ready for the tomorrow that will never come? We will all have one.

      Hebrews 9:27


      • #78
        Originally posted by Ted Striker
        Check out the following document issued by the Pope as part of the Vatican 2, in 1965. In it it validates other religions and calls for unity.

        Another document calls for the Christian Churches to unite again as one. Clearly, the Pope at the time was wanting to reach for unity, not division. He didn't "diss" the other religions like you guys do.

        This document is not supported by the current Pope:

        This is just ONE example of how the dogma and doctrine which you believe has been modified over time. I GUARANTEE the Christianity you worship today isn't even close to that as under Christ and the First Popes.

        I think this is one of the best documents ever issued, however it is not supported under current Papal leadership.

        Which is freakin sad.
        I would not consider Catholicism to be Biblical as there are several Catholic teachings that directly contradict scriptures. My sole point of reference is the Bible, not the Bible plus man's traditions.
        Are you ready for the tomorrow that will never come? We will all have one.

        Hebrews 9:27


        • #79
          Originally posted by PatRussell

          Biblical Christianity teaches that those who CHOOSE not to acknowledge Christ as savior will burn in Hell. Even a surface study of the Bible will show this.

          OK, Ignore me. Carry on in your holy crusade.

          What a fool.
          Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

          Do It Ourselves


          • #80
            Originally posted by Osweld

            OK, Ignore me. Carry on in your holy crusade.

            What a fool.
            Ignore what? I simply responded to your suggestion that I study the teachings and philosophies of "the religion" more closely. I have studied them at some length and take them at face value. If Jesus Christ Himself said that the only way to Heaven is through Him then any serious study of Christianity cannot produce any conclusion other than this. Or maybe you are referring to teachings and philosophies outside of the Bible? I would reject these as faulty at best and more likely outright false teaching.
            Are you ready for the tomorrow that will never come? We will all have one.

            Hebrews 9:27


            • #81

              Religon is not about whether god exists or does not exist, it is not about which religon is right or wrong, it is not about who believes in it or does not believe in it.

              It is about the actuall teachings and philosophies of the religon, and using them to better your self. But instead, you'd rather use religon as a tool of discrimination and hatred.
              Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

              Do It Ourselves


              • #82
                Re: *sigh*...

                Originally posted by Osweld
                Religon is not about whether god exists or does not exist, it is not about which religon is right or wrong, it is not about who believes in it or does not believe in it.

                It is about the actuall teachings and philosophies of the religon, and using them to better your self. But instead, you'd rather use religon as a tool of discrimination and hatred.
                How can you better yourself by using through any religion when you don't believe it's foundational teachings? The actual teachings of Biblical Christianity are exactly as I have stated them:

                Faith in Jesus Christ ALONE is the only way to Heaven.
                Are you ready for the tomorrow that will never come? We will all have one.

                Hebrews 9:27


                • #83
                  Whatever. Just don't go around telling people they are going to suffer for eternity because they don't share the same narrow-minded views as yourself.
                  Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                  Do It Ourselves


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Ted Striker
                    Oh good lawd!

                    Hey CyberShy I think all you zealots must carry around some kinda card because the rhetoric that you guys respond with always sounds so much the same and so rehearsed!

                    Answer me this:

                    Muslims are going to heaven. (Yes or no) ?

                    No. Because Muslims don't believe in the Christian heaven. Just like you won't see to many Wiccan in the Muslim paradise, either



                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Caligastia
                      Following the legalistic dogma of christianity is nothing less than spiritual laziness.

                      Spoken like someone who's never been a Conservative Christian! Spiritual laziness my ass! I was a Conservative Christian for seven years-it's hard work spiritually.

                      Now, I'll grant you, there *are* legalistic sects (they exist in all organized religions, unfortunately), as well as those that emphasise ritual as opposed to spiritual growth-those I'll agree with you on. Most Conservative Christian groups put a heavy emphasis on spirital growth, though.



                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Ted Striker

                        Just exactly WHICH Christians would those be? There are many Christian churches which are more tolerant of other religions. Unitarians and Old Dutch Catholic comes to mind.

                        They are bigots because they claim a monopoly on God. They say Muslims are not going to heaven.
                        Hey Ted, you do see awfully concerned about Muslims. May safely I assume that you are one? Secondly, I am hoping your concern extends to their beliefs about other religious groups, not just Muslims.

                        Is anyone on this board aware of the Vatican 2?
                        Yes. You do realize it only affects Roman Catholics?



                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Chowlett

                          That at least is easily dealt with. The Roman historian Josephus notes that a young rebel by the name of Jesus, from the town of Nazereth, was put to death for insurrection around the year 33AD.

                          I don't have the time to get into this argument seriously atm, maybe later.
                          Unfortunately, it seems that reference was added at a later date. I don't have the web address right now, but it seems that the early church fathers who lived after Josephus don't mention the reference when talking about Jesus' life.

                          Also, there is a lot in the writings of Paul (or rather, there's a lot that *isn't* in the writings of Paul) to suggest that Jesus never existed as a human being.



                          • #88

                            Religion-strange concept this is

                            Oh well maybe Ill try it. Not tommorrow though-I have to go to my Barber to recieve my blood-letting.Then its off to the medicinMan for that goats head and bucket of chicken blood.
                            Die-Bin Laden-die


                            • #89
                              Biblical Christianity teaches that those who CHOOSE not to acknowledge Christ as savior will burn in Hell. Even a surface study of the Bible will show this.
                              Young baby lives to age 3. Doesn't have an understanding of the concept of Christ and so is never able to comprehend how to choose or not. So never makes the choice.

                              Oh sorry little baby, you are going to burn in hell.

                              Remote Amazon South American tribe is isolated from the entire world. Nearly impossible to reach them. They have never heard of Christ.

                              Oh sorry evil Amazonian primitive man, you are going to burn in hell too!

                              Gentle Hindu spends his life feeding the homeless, giving all of himself for the sake of others. The most honest, good, and spiritual man you will ever meet. Loves God and his fellow man with all of his heart and all of his soul.

                              Ohhh sorry mister nice Hindu, you didn't choose Christ either so you're going to burn in hell too!

                              Also tmarc,

                              Yes I do realize that only applies to catholics, but since there are many Catholics in this world, that's a huge chunk. And I am just concentrating on Muslims as an example. The Catholic document specifically also cites Buddhists and Hindus as well. Wiccans are just as welcome in my book and anyone else who seeks out God.

                              "Be still, and know that I am God." PS 45:10
                              We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


                              • #90
                                Young baby lives to age 3. Doesn't have an understanding of the concept of Christ and so is never able to comprehend how to choose or not. So never makes the choice.

                                Oh sorry little baby, you are going to burn in hell.

                                Remote Amazon South American tribe is isolated from the entire world. Nearly impossible to reach them. They have never heard of Christ.

                                Oh sorry evil Amazonian primitive man, you are going to burn in hell too!

                                Gentle Hindu spends his life feeding the homeless, giving all of himself for the sake of others. The most honest, good, and spiritual man you will ever meet. Loves God and his fellow man with all of his heart and all of his soul.

                                Ohhh sorry mister nice Hindu, you didn't choose Christ either so you're going to burn in hell too!
                                And people worship someone who condemns people like this...

                                I will never be a Christian.

