Well, I'm fond of utilitarianism, so the whole thing with Communism not working anywhere it's been tried (unless voluntarily and/or in small groups) is pretty much enough for me.
A person cannot lose his personality, motivation, and instinct for the good of the state. Socialism described by marx has never and will never work..It is simply impractical and woefully inferior to capitalism. You cannot just produce the "needs" of a society and ignore the wants.

Dalgetti you are wrong, since the begining of time man has lived and thrived under Capitalism. A cave man gathers food for himself and his family. He simply does not care for the man in the cave next door. Thats not his concern..Even the earlier civilizations were capitalist. Eygpt, Greece, Babylon, and what little we know about ancient Mesopotamia. There have always been merchants and traders, merchants and traders work not for the state...but for themselves. And in ancient times ; except for taxes for some despotic king. They kept majority of what they made.
It is an excellent essay, I bet your friend's brother got an A+ for that one!
Neo-marxists expend a tremendous amount of effort to whitewash this failure, but they cannot deny the fact that no one has ever successfully implemented the philosophies of Karl Marx. Every attempt to implement marxism has turned into a disastrous dictatorship, in which the proletariat loved the communist lifestyle so much that they would risk their very lives to escape it.
I'm only attempting to highlight obvious logical and observational errors in "The Communist Manifesto," and to show how ludicrous it is to use this document as the blueprint for a modern society.
Now I rest my case, and hope people would please stop raping Marx' ideas. For anyone who's pro or anti Marx...please go read his works, other than the Manifesto. Preferably in Marx' native language, German. Some subtle notions are lost in the translation.