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Lonestar in Collegestation to March against Peaceniks

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  • #16
    Violence is perfectly acceptable if the cause is just, the colateral damage minimal, and the alternatives proportionately bad.

    Consider the following case: Victor is on his way to a model UN convention. Since he was in high school at the time, he is taking MARTA down to Georgia State from near his school. He has prepared for the occasion almost precisely the exact change for twice the fare. (Once for the journey, and the other for the return.) He inserts his money into a faulty machine, which proceeds to eat it. Victor can ignore it, but that causes him difficulties when he has to return. At this point, he gives the machine a solid punch. At which point the machine responds by releasing some change. Repeated hits yield $1.35 of the $1.50 Victor put in, which with some other loose change in his pocket allows Victor to have enough for precisely twice the required fare. His mission thus accomplished he doesn't attempt to get mroe money out, and purchases a token and proceeds on his way.
    "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
    -Joan Robinson


    • #17
      Originally posted by Superpopanz
      Anyway, you should know that marching against peace protestors is pointless.
      Straight forward communication is the name of the game.

      Step one: Pick one of the protestors (choose wisely and no 6 feet 200 pounder)
      Step two: Ask him if he is against retaliation and use of force etc.
      Step three: After he has positively answered, ask him why. Wait for the typical arguments, violence only produces more violence, use of force is no solution, war doesnt solve problems etc.
      Step four: Punch him in the face. Wait until he recovers from surprise and hit. If he is threatening you, remind him of his arguments. He either betrays his position or does react peacefully. If the latter, go over to
      Step five: Repeat step four, but add more power in your punch. Repeat four and five until you reach a point of understanding...

      Ps: Have some friends near by, just in case.
      Seen that. That would be a plan suggested by some 9-year old kid, because:

      1. Punching him out only makes you look like a violent redneck who's immune to reason.

      2. Everybody else sees that the peaceniks indeed hold moral high grounds, and those who oppose them are pond scum.

      3. You get your arse hauled in jail for assault.
      (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
      (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
      (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


      • #18
        Originally posted by Seneca
        Why hello, Superpopanz! I used to be Nye at Newsmax.
        Hiya Nye, how are you! Why did you leave max (i was banned for posting porn cartoons )?

        Originally posted by Victor Galis
        -After step 4 I would either kick you very painfully, or prepare to break your arm on the next punch. Notice the lack of civilian casulties in this case. Contrast that to Afghanistan.
        Victor, you did just prove my point. By kicking me painfully or breaking my arm you would indeed use force, retaliate etc., thus screwing the weak pacifist "logic" or the lack of . Notice that your level of violence would be similar to mine, like the use of force in Afgahnistan is similar to the one of the 9.11., except that we try to keep colat-dam as low as possible.
        Originally posted by Urban Ranger
        Seen that. That would be a plan suggested by some 9-year old kid, because:
        1. Punching him out only makes you look like a violent redneck who's immune to reason.
        2. Everybody else sees that the peaceniks indeed hold moral high grounds, and those who oppose them are pond scum.
        3. You get your arse hauled in jail for assault.
        You may have seen that, but you surely didnt understand.
        1. Try to reason with somebody who is using brute force is not only naive, but also incredible stupid.
        2. Everybody else with half a brain sees that peaceniks not only hold no high moral ground at all, bu also that they use their socalled "moral" as an exuse to let violence, raping, ethnic cleansing and massacring happen.
        3. A; You do not go to jail for punching somebody. B; You can easily defend your action morally. C; If you really want to make your point, you can take the risk.
        Originally posted by DinoDoc
        Superpoop must've been bored.
        It`s Superpopanz, just in case you`ve got trouble with reading. For the record, i prefer to use the correct name while talking to people, but i wouldnt mind to play with your handle either, if you like it...
        Originally posted by Osweld
        It's what any good neandertal would do.
        I was`nt aware that a "tal" (valley) can do anything (except being a valley), but i guess you mean the "Neandertaler". Yes, we still do live in the Neandertal. Dreaming is good and nice, but you`ve got to face the facts. I am a real pacifist, i love peace and i am willing to defend it. Peaceniks a radical denyer of reality, who in truth fight peace by supporting totalitarism, war and death.
        Originally posted by Sprayber
        They have the right to protest if they so choose. If you confront them, you only lend support to their fanciful ideas. It's best to just let them be and allow them to grow tired of their current cause.
        Wrong! While it is correct that they have the right to protest, there is one thing you have to remember! "Peaceniks", left and right radicals are a very strong weapon of our western democratic countries (yes i know, the USA is a republic BLAH), always fighting against the countries who provide them with the very freedom to protest. Do NOT stand by and let them poison simple minds with their their propaganda, do not just watch when they put sweet lullaby in the eyes of the shortsighted, do not let them insult the names and stories of millions of victims of brute regimes and wars! Did you ever see them prorest against KZ`s and Gulags, did they went on the street during Budapest, Srebrenica and Basra, did they ever protest against ethnic cleansing, mass-rapings and mass executions? Dont waste your time, they didnt! The western democratic and capitalist countries with the USA on top are the sworn and common enemy of left pacifists and right nationalists, they hate our strenght wich keeps them from power. Do not ignore them, those who are not blind and stupid, are radicals who use the freedom to fight it!
        Last edited by Superpopanz; November 18, 2001, 10:36.


        • #19
          He was serious?

          Wow, lots of loons around today.
          Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

          Do It Ourselves


          • #20
            Originally posted by Osweld
            He was serious?

            Wow, lots of loons around today.
            Loons? You do have some better arguments, dont you?
            Anyway, if i become a loon because i know the real face of pacifism, and personally its victims, well go ahead, call me a loon! Allow me thou to call you a hypocrite...


            • #21
              Originally posted by Victor Galis
              "Step one: Pick one of the protestors (choose wisely and no 6 feet 200 pounder)
              Step two: Ask him if he is against retaliation and use of force etc.
              Step three: After he has positively answered, ask him why. Wait for the typical arguments, violence only produces more violence, use of force is no solution, war doesnt solve problems etc.
              Step four: Punch him in the face. Wait until he recovers from surprise and hit. If he is threatening you, remind him of his arguments. He either betrays his position or does react peacefully. If the latter, go over to
              Step five: Repeat step four, but add more power in your punch. Repeat four and five until you reach a point of understanding..."

              -After step 4 I would either kick you very painfully, or prepare to break your arm on the next punch. Notice the lack of civilian casulties in this case. Contrast that to Afghanistan.
              Really? After Step 4 I would scream "Whiplash" and watch the ****er crap in his pants at the prospect of having his very life-blood sued out of him.
              The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


              • #22
                A Pro-war demonstration... how exotic.
                Well, only in America (and Iraq... and Pakistan... and maybe Norway)!


                • #23
                  Oh yes. Lonestar? You do realise that you're doing the cause of the Taliban more good than an entire legion of peaceniks, don't you?

                  Clever boy. The US army needs all the morons it can get as cannon fodder.
                  The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                  • #24
                    I don't know why I bother...

                    Originally posted by Superpopanz

                    Loons? You do have some better arguments, dont you?
                    Anyway, if i become a loon because i know the real face of pacifism, and personally its victims, well go ahead, call me a loon! Allow me thou to call you a hypocrite...

                    It's as simple as this: beating the crap out of someone does not prove anything, except that perhaps you are a neandertal.

                    I can guarantee you that the people in peace protests are completely against all atrocities, no matter where they are happening. Do they really need to even say that they are against all of those atrocities you mention? I don't know, with people like you around maybe it does need to be said. but it should be taken for granted that any sensible person -especially "peaceniks" - would be against such atrocities, and I don't think a protest or demonstration is required.

                    And did I read correctly? are you claiming to be a pacifist? Maybe you should look that word up, along with neandertal.
                    Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                    Do It Ourselves


                    • #25
                      Sorry if I offended you, Super. (Not really) But I have a real problem with people who reserrect a thread that had been dead for 4 days with nothing of value to say.
                      I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                      For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                      • #26
                        Re: I don't know why I bother...

                        Originally posted by Osweld

                        I don't know why I bother...
                        I do. It`s because you want to prove your point...

                        It's as simple as this: beating the crap out of someone does not prove anything, except that perhaps you are a neandertal.
                        It`s only as simple as you want to make it. And again, i can`t be a "Neandertal"! The Neandertal is a geograpic location btw...

                        I can guarantee you that the people in peace protests are completely against all atrocities, no matter where they are happening. Do they really need to even say that they are against all of those atrocities you mention? I don't know, with people like you around maybe it does need to be said. but it should be taken for granted that any sensible person -especially "peaceniks" - would be against such atrocities, and I don't think a protest or demonstration is required.
                        Blind as blind can be! I will tell you a little story:
                        I forgot the exact year, but it happend on the height of the war in Bosnia, maybe 1995. It was the time when you could`nt turn on the tv or open a newspaper without learning about another bloodshed. Artillery shelling a crowded marketplace, new built massgraves on sattelite pics, 10000 missing after the Sreb enclave falling. It was the time when more and people got sick of the western world just standing by and watch, of the ridiculous and criminal Akashi-game and of most brutal injustice shoved in our faces every day. It was the time when the government of Germany thought about lifting the arms embargo against BiH, when US Air assets finally did some strafing runs around the belaguering serb positions. And it was the time when tens of thousands "peace protestors" went on the streets in several german cities. "NO GERMAN WEAPONS FOR BOSNIA, LET THE REFUGEES IN INSTEAD"! And "IMPERIALISTIC USA GET OUT OF BOSNIA"!
                        Your argument is nothing but a LIE! The most primitive first grade math is able to show off the whole hipocrisy of your claim. "Peaceniks" care sh*t about the very f*cked up people in Bosnia, Iraq and Afgahnistan. They NEVER did ANYTHING to force their governmnents to do something against Milosevic, Hussein and the Taliban, they NEVER protested in front of their embassies against ethnic cleansing, against the massacres in Srebrenica and Basra, in Gorazde and iraqi Kurdistan, the daily executions in the Kabul footbal stadium, the brutal suppression of opposition and the ousting of women of bussinees, education and daily life.
                        They did and still do not protest because they do not care! They ONLY protest against their real enemy, and this is our democratic, capitalist system and the NATO.
                        The sheer amount of stupidity and hipocrisy amongst the socalled pacifist makes me think of a famous saying. "I just cant eat as much as i want to puke"!
                        And did I read correctly? are you claiming to be a pacifist? Maybe you should look that word up, along with neandertal.
                        Yes you did. Unfortunately you utterly failed to understand. Maybe you should look up the word "thinking"....


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by DinoDoc
                          1.Sorry if I offended you, Super. (Not really) 2. But I have a real problem with people who reserrect a thread that had been dead for 4 days with 3.nothing of value to say.
                          1. I`ll let you know if you offend me.
                          2. Deal with it.
                          3. I didnt know that i need you to judge the values, sorry. I will ask for your ok from now on. OK?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Superpopanz
                            I will ask for your ok from now on. OK?
                            Perhaps, you should. It would prevent you from trolling ground already well-worn.

                            Here's, my PSA for the day
                            I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                            For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by DinoDoc

                              Perhaps, you should. It would prevent you from trolling ground already well-worn.

                              Here's, my PSA for the day
                              What a surprise! The same topic has been discussed already, holy sh*t!


                              • #30
                                lo super, whats up dude (it's Cockney from newsmax)
                                "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                                "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton

