Violence is perfectly acceptable if the cause is just, the colateral damage minimal, and the alternatives proportionately bad.
Consider the following case: Victor is on his way to a model UN convention. Since he was in high school at the time, he is taking MARTA down to Georgia State from near his school. He has prepared for the occasion almost precisely the exact change for twice the fare. (Once for the journey, and the other for the return.) He inserts his money into a faulty machine, which proceeds to eat it. Victor can ignore it, but that causes him difficulties when he has to return. At this point, he gives the machine a solid punch. At which point the machine responds by releasing some change. Repeated hits yield $1.35 of the $1.50 Victor put in, which with some other loose change in his pocket allows Victor to have enough for precisely twice the required fare. His mission thus accomplished he doesn't attempt to get mroe money out, and purchases a token and proceeds on his way.
Consider the following case: Victor is on his way to a model UN convention. Since he was in high school at the time, he is taking MARTA down to Georgia State from near his school. He has prepared for the occasion almost precisely the exact change for twice the fare. (Once for the journey, and the other for the return.) He inserts his money into a faulty machine, which proceeds to eat it. Victor can ignore it, but that causes him difficulties when he has to return. At this point, he gives the machine a solid punch. At which point the machine responds by releasing some change. Repeated hits yield $1.35 of the $1.50 Victor put in, which with some other loose change in his pocket allows Victor to have enough for precisely twice the required fare. His mission thus accomplished he doesn't attempt to get mroe money out, and purchases a token and proceeds on his way.