Do you have any cool paintings? Do you paint yourself? Please post pics of your paintings/drawings you either own or have made.
I have 3 works of art hanging on my walls. The first one I bough when I was working at this art gallery on kalevankatu.
"Dawn"(1993) By Tiina Éno. My first painting.
The gallery is run by the The Helsinki Artists' Association wich also runs this place we call "taidelainaamo" where people can either buy paintings or pay a monhtly fee for them and rent them in this way. The painting, scupture or whatever object it might be will be theirs when they have paid what the object is worth in montly fees. So as a memeber of staff I got a nice 30% discount from the art I bought, in other words the comission the assosiation was asking for each object sold.
"Eye"(2002) By Tapio Tuominen. I always think thats the eye of some beautiful woman who lived in 13th century Florence. My second painting.
After moving out of Helsinki to study here at Turku I've bought only this one work of art, excluding design. About a month ago I heard about this new exhibition an Iranian Kurd Shafiqh Sheikh Mohammed who lives in Finland at the moment. I couldnt be at the opening though I doubt if there would have been any free wine anyway so it doesnt bother me so much. I went to see it after few days and immediately fell in love with this beautiful piece of art.
Wich is actually a wood mosaic made of different kinds of wood in somekind of polyerster laquer. has this feeling of japanese simplicity in it and maybe at the same time flavours of Persian poetry (wich was apparently his favourite subject) and maybe a little art nouveau too. So I just had to have it, and now I'm broke.
"Curlew"(2004) By Shafiqh Sheikh Mohammed. My latest aquisition. photo taken from side to avoid reflections.
Your turn.
I have 3 works of art hanging on my walls. The first one I bough when I was working at this art gallery on kalevankatu.
"Dawn"(1993) By Tiina Éno. My first painting.
The gallery is run by the The Helsinki Artists' Association wich also runs this place we call "taidelainaamo" where people can either buy paintings or pay a monhtly fee for them and rent them in this way. The painting, scupture or whatever object it might be will be theirs when they have paid what the object is worth in montly fees. So as a memeber of staff I got a nice 30% discount from the art I bought, in other words the comission the assosiation was asking for each object sold.
"Eye"(2002) By Tapio Tuominen. I always think thats the eye of some beautiful woman who lived in 13th century Florence. My second painting.
After moving out of Helsinki to study here at Turku I've bought only this one work of art, excluding design. About a month ago I heard about this new exhibition an Iranian Kurd Shafiqh Sheikh Mohammed who lives in Finland at the moment. I couldnt be at the opening though I doubt if there would have been any free wine anyway so it doesnt bother me so much. I went to see it after few days and immediately fell in love with this beautiful piece of art.
Wich is actually a wood mosaic made of different kinds of wood in somekind of polyerster laquer. has this feeling of japanese simplicity in it and maybe at the same time flavours of Persian poetry (wich was apparently his favourite subject) and maybe a little art nouveau too. So I just had to have it, and now I'm broke.
"Curlew"(2004) By Shafiqh Sheikh Mohammed. My latest aquisition. photo taken from side to avoid reflections.
Your turn.