btw, isn't this Kay fellow one of the heroes of your case, Aggie?
The hero of my case is me. I bothered thinking about what nuclear weapons are for - deterrence - primarily against Israel and Iran.
I bothered wondering why Saddam would spend billions and risk invasion all for the purpose of giving a nuclear warhead to the Al Qaeda nutters, whose stated purpose is to remove people like him and his regime from existence.
I bothered reading up about chemical and biological weapons and discovered that they don't really work - at least not in the way that terrorists would find useful. In any case it would be cheaper and easier for terrorists to make their own chemical or bioweapons - it isn't hard. The AUM cult managed it.
Anyone who thought Saddam was a threat was overlooking the obvious. He's not stupid or crazy - his main aim in the last decade had been to overturn the sanctions and prevent internal revolts and plots. He certainly had no plans to invade anywhere again after what happened to Kuwait.
Why don't you right wingers think critically about what you read? Most journalists are morons who live off of briefings and give credence to the often absurd lies peddled by our overlords.
If they had done their ****ing job, Blair would have been laughed out of office. A few did, and were pilloried for it. Turns out that they were right, as was Blix (who comes out of this with his reputation intact).
Just what were you right about? I'd like to know. In addition I and others said that the occupation would turn pear shaped, and unfortunately we were right..... again..