Originally posted by Spiffor
I don't know who condemns the US for being mistaken. My country certainly doesn't (it has been surprisingly discreet on the whole matter since the war, despite all the "I told you so" gloat-potential). And I certainly don't either. In case you have missed it, I accuse the US not of being misguided, but of having deliberately lied in order to get support for their splendid little war.
Both countries (France and US) tried to get the moral high ground in order to gather support. The moral high ground is nothing else than a propaganda stunt. And I hold any person who believes one country was more moral than another, to be gullible.
For once my personal morality (peace) coincided with the realpolitical decisions of my country. It doesn't happen often, and it doesn't mean the French diplomats are any less immoral than they had always been.
I don't know who condemns the US for being mistaken. My country certainly doesn't (it has been surprisingly discreet on the whole matter since the war, despite all the "I told you so" gloat-potential). And I certainly don't either. In case you have missed it, I accuse the US not of being misguided, but of having deliberately lied in order to get support for their splendid little war.
Both countries (France and US) tried to get the moral high ground in order to gather support. The moral high ground is nothing else than a propaganda stunt. And I hold any person who believes one country was more moral than another, to be gullible.
For once my personal morality (peace) coincided with the realpolitical decisions of my country. It doesn't happen often, and it doesn't mean the French diplomats are any less immoral than they had always been.
Who is more immoral, a government that goes to war over a mistaken pretext, but who topple a mass murderer in the process, or a government that strives to keep a mass murderer in place because of the money they are being bribed with?
And again with the lies. You do not grant that people in the know throughout the West were mistaken about Saddam's capabilities and programs?