That's exactly what I'm saying. Nothing of this sort should be taught as 'scientific fact'. Because they aren't. Hell, "scientific fact" is almost a contradiction in that it applies there is no further room for analyse or discussion.
Actually, there are whole fields of science dedicated to "intelligent design", what with genetic engineering, molecular control, ect... Really, most applied sciences are nothing more than a study in intelligent design.
It does have testable predictions. As the article I linked to explained, we can measure the complexity of a system, the amound of information it carries, etc... With that data, we can determine the probability that the system is the result of chance or the result of intelligence. So, it is very testable.

Intelligent design is not 'science' because it cant be refuted not because it cant be tested.
In fact, DNA can be shown to be the result of intelligence because of the level of complexity, the degree of organized information, the functionality and the fact that there exists no natural mechanisms to produce DNA by chance.
You could also take a structuralist approach and examine it at each constituent stage of construction to reduce the odds but that's unnecessary here of course.