Communism can work, but only in small communities, not entire nations; And possibly even small populated countries.
The communities would have to be made up of people who don't require the need for luxuries.
The problem comes down to how many people think: "How hard and how long do I have to work and what job is it, in order to get that position in order to get that luxury that I ultimately want, and when I get it, I will be one step happier than I am now".
That's how it is with a LOT of people, but the reality is, you can never be satisfied with the continuation of striving to reach ultimate happiness. There is no "greater happiness". That's why I said earlier; understand what Jesus said, which basically instructs you how to BE happy with nothing. Which is easy to understand scientifically because happiness is a creation from the mind, not from anything outside the mind; It's easy to understand because whenever someone tries to make themself happy by using something from outside their mind (like drugs, alcohol, smoking, gambling, games, sex, movies, etc), one does not make themself happy, but places a veil over their unhappiness, once that veil is gone, their "happiness" mysteriously disappears.
The communities would have to be made up of people who don't require the need for luxuries.
The problem comes down to how many people think: "How hard and how long do I have to work and what job is it, in order to get that position in order to get that luxury that I ultimately want, and when I get it, I will be one step happier than I am now".
That's how it is with a LOT of people, but the reality is, you can never be satisfied with the continuation of striving to reach ultimate happiness. There is no "greater happiness". That's why I said earlier; understand what Jesus said, which basically instructs you how to BE happy with nothing. Which is easy to understand scientifically because happiness is a creation from the mind, not from anything outside the mind; It's easy to understand because whenever someone tries to make themself happy by using something from outside their mind (like drugs, alcohol, smoking, gambling, games, sex, movies, etc), one does not make themself happy, but places a veil over their unhappiness, once that veil is gone, their "happiness" mysteriously disappears.