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Biggest earthquake in 40 years hits Southeast Asia - Part 2

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  • Originally posted by chegitz guevara
    Is the world getting in a donation pissing contest?
    Looks like it, but I think it's good news
    "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
    "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
    "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


    • Is the world getting in a donation pissing contest?

      I sure hope so.


      • Me too. It's a much better way to measure our cheneys. Here's to potlache culture!
        Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


        • That, and the space program.


          • Australia has announced a 1 BILLION DOLLAR tsunami aid package...

            ...which will go solely to Indonesia.
            "I predict your ignore will rival Ben's" - Ecofarm
            ^ The Poly equivalent of:
            "I hope you can see this 'cause I'm [flipping you off] as hard as I can" - Ignignokt the Mooninite


            • Anyone know how much countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are giving?
              Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


              • I just heard on the radio that no industrialized country gives as much as 1% of their GDP as foreign aid. (Norway is tops with like 0.85%; USA bringing up the rear with 0.17%)

                Thus, I'd like to challenge all of us to outstrip our governments, and donate 1% of our yearly salary to relief organizations. UNICEF, Red Cross/Red Crescent, whatever. I made mine to Doctors Without Borders.
                "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                • Apparently our federal government will match all private donations. Don't know if this includes corporate donations or not.
                  "The French caused the war [Persian Gulf war, 1991]" - Ned
                  "you people who bash Bush have no appreciation for one of the great presidents in our history." - Ned
                  "I wish I had gay sex in the boy scouts" - Dissident


                  • I'm too lazy to read all the threads about this topic. however, is Lancer alright? Was he back yet?


                    • The Philippines was not hit at all, so if that's where he was, he should be OK.
                      So get your Naomi Klein books and move it or I'll seriously bash your faces in! - Supercitizen to stupid students
                      Be kind to the nerdiest guy in school. He will be your boss when you've grown up!


                      • Thanks


                        • Originally posted by Sprayber
                          Anyone know how much countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are giving?
                          I saw on MSNBC today that the Saudis gave $30 Million, the Kuwatis $10 Million, and Qatar $25 Million. This was followed by a story that Muslims are asking why aren't they donating more (apparently they're afraid funds will land in the hands of "infidels")

                          Even worse, now fundies are blaming the earthquake that triggered the tsunami on "underground nuclear testing by the US, Israel, and India". Some people are just sick.
                          "I predict your ignore will rival Ben's" - Ecofarm
                          ^ The Poly equivalent of:
                          "I hope you can see this 'cause I'm [flipping you off] as hard as I can" - Ignignokt the Mooninite


                          • Originally posted by Guynemer
                            I just heard on the radio that no industrialized country gives as much as 1% of their GDP as foreign aid. (Norway is tops with like 0.85%; USA bringing up the rear with 0.17%) ---
                            Sweden had the target of 1% back in the 80's. I don't know what we have today, but we probably can't afford it any longer. In related news, we are giving 200 000 doses of cholera vaccine to Sri Lanka.

                            I think Swedish government aid is going mostly to Sri Lanka. It seems Americans and Ozzies are giving most to Indonesia. Sri Lanka and Indonesia are the countries in most urgent need anyway. Countries like Thailand and India are rich enough to help themselves.

                            But Swedes who were in Thailand are very thankful for the support from private citizens close to the disaster area, who opened their private homes to provide shelter, food, clothing and transportation to help the Swedish tourists who were stranded in just shorts and sandals, without money or credit cards and looking for lost family members. There are now some fundraising campaigns to give something back to all these Thai people, who proved to be friends when you really needed them.
                            So get your Naomi Klein books and move it or I'll seriously bash your faces in! - Supercitizen to stupid students
                            Be kind to the nerdiest guy in school. He will be your boss when you've grown up!


                            • Originally posted by The Emperor Fabulous
                              Even worse, now fundies are blaming the earthquake that triggered the tsunami on "underground nuclear testing by the US, Israel, and India". Some people are just sick.
                              Yes, everybody know it was Iran and Pakistan!
                              So get your Naomi Klein books and move it or I'll seriously bash your faces in! - Supercitizen to stupid students
                              Be kind to the nerdiest guy in school. He will be your boss when you've grown up!


                              • Originally posted by Chemical Ollie

                                Yes, everybody know it was Iran and Pakistan!
                                and North Korea.

