Yes, it would be more than enough for me if I was God/Jesus. I'd smile on the atheist who lives a good life and frown on the "believer" who didn't. Many Christians argue that faith somehow leads them to live the good life but faith can only "do" that if this faith is in the validity of Jesus' teachings, an understanding of those teachings, and an adherence to those teachings. If you don't know what behavior Jesus expected of us, what good is faith? That's the dilemma I think Christians face when they argue faith is all they need: why did Jesus teach people about morality if he didn't expect moral behavior from his followers?
I found myself agreeing with it until he went off the deep end and blamed all evil in the world on religion. I have also thought and believed that the impulse towards good, for helping the poor and the downtrodden in the West came from Christ, even if the same thought had existed elsewhere in the world before. Russell seemed to say that it was religion that opposed reforms to help these very people, etc., and it the source of cruelty, etc.
He says that fear is the source of cruelty, as well as the source of religion, thus it is unsurprising that they go hand in hand, but it is important to make the distinction.... cruelty and religion are siblings; the children of fear, cruelty is not the child of religion.
Yes, and yet many Christians deny that "deeds" matter, just faith.