Even in police states like former USSR, North Korea etc this kind of outrageous attack on individual privacy and freedom let alone the open hatred from the officials towards you as a foreigner would have been totally out of the question.
No, they'd simply bug your phones, trail you with special agents and interrogate every person you spoke to.
Saying that is better than getting thoroughly checked in an airport is idiotic.
Wanting to make a huge scene over it at an airport is even more idiotic.
The policing measures are not there to humiliate and terrorize you. They're there to make you secure. That way you know that a person who carries a bomb / concealed weapon has very small chances of slipping through.
I visited the prime minister's chambers once, and even though I was an IDF soldier, responsible for Israel's security, with high security clearance, I was almost completely stripped, felt up and checked from head to toe.
It wasn't the most pleasant thing to go through, but I realize its a necessity. The Shabak person who checked me was very nice about it and even joked a little.
I could have been a ***** and say I'm humiliated and hurt and I don't like men touching me and all sorts of stuff.
But its required to keep people safe.