Originally posted by notyoueither
Explain that to the chattering classes.
Incidently, I don't ***** about Stalin avatars (usually). I never told Imran to not take up the avatar, or to change it once he did.
What I was after was if he thought terrorism was justified in the case of the PLO and Israel. It seems he thinks so. Hense I reserve the right to remind him of the 'rightness of the cause' when a nuke goes off in Kansas City. After all, someone will be pissed off enough to plant the nuke. That must mean they are right to do so, right?
Explain that to the chattering classes.
Incidently, I don't ***** about Stalin avatars (usually). I never told Imran to not take up the avatar, or to change it once he did.
What I was after was if he thought terrorism was justified in the case of the PLO and Israel. It seems he thinks so. Hense I reserve the right to remind him of the 'rightness of the cause' when a nuke goes off in Kansas City. After all, someone will be pissed off enough to plant the nuke. That must mean they are right to do so, right?
What it comes down to is this.
Imran supported Arafart's atrocities because he said he agreed with Arafart's political goal.
You supported Reagan's atrocities becuase you agreed with Reagan's political goal.