Here's a list of the seats up for election in 2006 in states with a Democrat senator that were at least within striking distance of Bush...
Florida -- Bill Nelson
Michigan -- Debbie Stabenow
Minnesota -- Mark Dayton
Nebraska -- Ben Nelson
New Mexico -- Jeff Bingaman
North Dakota -- Kent Conrad
West Virginia -- Robert Byrd
Wisconsin -- Herbert Kohl
Of course, there will be retirements (like Byrd) and some of these people are safe. Also, there are always some curveballs. Like Kennedy retiring and there being a strong GOP candidate in Massachusetts.
Florida -- Bill Nelson
Michigan -- Debbie Stabenow
Minnesota -- Mark Dayton
Nebraska -- Ben Nelson
New Mexico -- Jeff Bingaman
North Dakota -- Kent Conrad
West Virginia -- Robert Byrd
Wisconsin -- Herbert Kohl
Of course, there will be retirements (like Byrd) and some of these people are safe. Also, there are always some curveballs. Like Kennedy retiring and there being a strong GOP candidate in Massachusetts.