Originally posted by Velociryx
But, IF it happens, I can see some upsides, too. Do not downplay the ingenuity of the American people.
One thing it will do is that savings/investment rates will increase.
But, IF it happens, I can see some upsides, too. Do not downplay the ingenuity of the American people.
One thing it will do is that savings/investment rates will increase.
Lots more home gardens, lots of informal community associations and barter going on behind the scenes. If it passes, I know that’s what I’ll be doing. I got a big back yard. Could easily set up a mini-orchard and a garden big enough to provide most of the veggies I get at the local Kroger right now.
End result will be that I’ll have more money in my pocket (federal tax bite goes away, and I get it back in my paycheck), healthier, home-grown foods, and I have more money to invest in dividend-paying financial instruments, which are taxed at a lower rate! 
