Originally posted by Wezil
I prefer Quebec in Canada, but not at any price.
As to seperatism - We discussed the dishonesty of Quebec seperatists on this board not too long ago. Seperatists CAN NOT get a clear majority to a clear question. The game is done barring some calamitious mismanagement by the feds. Quite frankly, western seperation is a much greater concern to me. Unlike Quebec, the west can actually afford to do it and not just threaten.
I prefer Quebec in Canada, but not at any price.
As to seperatism - We discussed the dishonesty of Quebec seperatists on this board not too long ago. Seperatists CAN NOT get a clear majority to a clear question. The game is done barring some calamitious mismanagement by the feds. Quite frankly, western seperation is a much greater concern to me. Unlike Quebec, the west can actually afford to do it and not just threaten.
BTW, if Quebec can't get a clear majority, no one can. What's a clear majority? Even the Supreme Court doesn't know it.