Originally posted by Kuciwalker
Well, here's an example: we went through a museum of early Quebec history, and all of the stuff was really slanted towards the "the Indians were barbarians, we're the civilized people" end of the spectrum. It was really surprising, since our textbooks tend to give a pretty frank admission of the genocide we inflicted.
Originally posted by Oncle Boris
Also the racism against Amerindians is probably not worse than in other places. Where was the reservation you visited? those near the American borders are notorious for smuggling drugs and weapons, and the mafia there is actually so powerful that provinvial police won't go.
This might explain the resentment you've seen.
Also the racism against Amerindians is probably not worse than in other places. Where was the reservation you visited? those near the American borders are notorious for smuggling drugs and weapons, and the mafia there is actually so powerful that provinvial police won't go.

Well, here's an example: we went through a museum of early Quebec history, and all of the stuff was really slanted towards the "the Indians were barbarians, we're the civilized people" end of the spectrum. It was really surprising, since our textbooks tend to give a pretty frank admission of the genocide we inflicted.
We did have problems with paternalism though, and it seems you may have seen remenants of that.