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Neds multiple rants against Kerry

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  • Originally posted by Pax
    Actually, the criteria you suggested was a black person that would qualify as a leader in the black community and be more qualified than clarence thomas. Now you're saying that he has to be someone that a repubican president will accept. That sounds to me like you're asking me to find another clarence thomas.
    Not necessarily. The knock on Thomas was that he was unqualified as a jurist, did not deserve to be on the Supreme Court and only got there due to affirmative action. I questioned whether affirmative action was wrong. I was assured that it was not wrong even in appointments to the Supreme Court, but that a more qualified black jurist could be found. I just wondered whom.

    I fully expect Democrat presidents to nominate Democrat jurists and Republican presidents to nominate Republican jurists. Since it was contended that Thomas was unqualifed, I simply would like to know who would be a more qualified black jurist at the time. arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en

