Due to Kerry's lawsuits opposing Nader, there have been an number of states that have had to revise ballots to remove Nader's name. This has caused absentee ballots to be mailed very late to our combat troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since it takes four week to get there and four weeks to get back, as a practical matter, those troops will be disenfranchised unless deadlines to "receive" the ballots back are extended.
Where Democrats are in charge of the state, as in Pennsylvannia, Kerry has opposed moving the deadlines back and allowing our troops to vote. Twenty-six thousand Pennsylvannians serve in the military overseas. Those votes could be decisive in that state's election. But Kerry, as did Gore in Florida in 2000, stands squarely against our troops rights even where his own lawsuits caused the delays.
Does the word scumbag adequately describe the filth that is this empty suit?
Where Democrats are in charge of the state, as in Pennsylvannia, Kerry has opposed moving the deadlines back and allowing our troops to vote. Twenty-six thousand Pennsylvannians serve in the military overseas. Those votes could be decisive in that state's election. But Kerry, as did Gore in Florida in 2000, stands squarely against our troops rights even where his own lawsuits caused the delays.
Does the word scumbag adequately describe the filth that is this empty suit?