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Why can't we get rid of the Dear Leader?

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  • #16
    Fez, I can understand why you like Dear Leader, even if you disagree with some of his policies.

    Or rather, I can also see why you don't really like Dear Leader, even if you agree with some of his policies.


    • #17
      Seriously, I hate the Dear Leader. Great Leader I can live with, seeing as he DID think he was working in the best interests of his country...

      Dear Leader, on the other hand, is a complete ******. How the hell could he have ever gotten into that position of authority? Oh yeah, a frikkin' SILVER SPOON throughout his whole goddamn life, even while he was pissing it away on booze and drugs in his youth!

      Lets not forget that Q is obviously intellectually superior to Bush and therefore knows more. And everything Bush did was because of his parents. Getting through Harvard Business school was all his parent's doing. The presidency, that was his parent's doing too. Yep, Bush's entire life can pretty much be attributed to his parents. Q for president for he is a genius without equal!!


      • #18


        • #19
          Because the majority of Americans like him more than that twit Kerry.

          Its called democracy.

          And I find if funny your a critic of Bush for having the silver spoon, which is a stupid comment anyways, when Kerry had the same.
          "The DPRK is still in a state of war with the U.S. It's called a black out." - Che explaining why orbital nightime pictures of NK show few lights. Seriously.


          • #20


            • #21
              Yep kerry had the same, and then he made sure he kept it by marrying into it.


              • #22
                Ok, you got me. There are some things that the Dear Leader did on his own without his father's help or the guidance of the Great Leader.

                I'm having trouble thinking of them, though.

                In any case, he does seem to have the backing of the conservative and more military-bent people in the country, which always bodes well for his continued leadership.

                If it can be called that.


                • #23
                  Well good to see you attack everything very well without actually backing it up with facts or evidence. But I guess who am I to question a genius such as yourself? Q for president!!! He's smarter than all of us and knows what's best for us!


                  • #24
                    I don't need facts to prove the well-known fact that the Dear Leader was a playboy in his youth.

                    It's also well-known that the Dear Leader has never actually seen combat or been in a war zone as a soldier.

                    It's also well-known that the Dear Leader's economic policies are questionable at best.

                    It's also assumed that the Dear Leader just isn't even among the brightest people in the world, though I'm not sure because he does seem to be a shrewd operator.


                    • #25
                      Another thought just occured to me:

                      The Dear Leader was, early on, not expected to be the greatest of his siblings. I mean, most everyone expected more of the photogenic, popular brother, but Dear Leader... he knew how to deal with competition. He was the one who snatched the mantle of the Great Leader.

                      So yeah, I guess that deserves some respect. I just wish he did much better with it than he is doing now.


                      • #26
                        I don't need facts to prove the well-known fact that the Dear Leader was a playboy in his youth.

                        It's also well-known that the Dear Leader has never actually seen combat or been in a war zone as a soldier.

                        It's also well-known that the Dear Leader's economic policies are questionable at best.

                        It's also assumed that the Dear Leader just isn't even among the brightest people in the world, though I'm not sure because he does seem to be a shrewd operator.
                        Yes and Kerry is better because he was busy protesting the war, lying to congress under oath, betraying his fellow soldiers, and sitting on on meetings that voted on whether or not to assasinate certain senators that supported the war.

                        Questionable at best? Lets see here. The "Dear Leader" when he took office inherited a recession. Then he had the most catastrophic terror attack on US soil in US history which completely crashed the market (And before you try to say it was his fault I need only bring up 8 years of Clinton incompetence and about 100 books written on it). Now 3 years later the economy is going strong again and almost every number is in the positive. But hey by all means try to disprove me with some numbers. Unless of course you are such a genius you can simply divine what the state of the economy is?

                        And as for your last quote, well what do I really need to say? You go around acting like you are god's gift to mankind and some sort of genius sent to enlighten us poor morons. The fact is that "******" has accomplished more in his life than you ever will. You demonstrate the arrogance of the left better than I could have ever hoped. Thanks bud.


                        • #27
                          Lets not forget that Q is obviously intellectually superior to Bush and therefore knows more.

                          Well, yes, Q probably is. The University of Chicago doesn't exactly let retards in.
                          “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                          - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                          • #28
                            At the responses in this thread. 9.5/10 Q^3


                            • #29
                              Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2004
                              Market Gains as Bush Rises and Kerry Falls

                              September is ordinarily a poor month for the tens of millions of Americans who are investors. Not this time, thanks to President Bush and, in a backhanded slap, to Sen. John Kerry.

                              "A 'Bush Rally' is buoying stocks in the market's historically weakest month, underscoring the increased attention investors are paying to politics and terrorism," the Wall Street Journal reported.

                              The Irish Web site has caught on with market watchers as well as gamblers. "In recent weeks, a chart of President Bush's re-election chances based on TradeSports odds has looked surprisingly like the chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average," the paper noted Monday.

                              "The two have been moving more or less in tandem for months, and the link seems to have kicked in most strikingly around the start of June -- about the time the election battle lines began to firm up. The TradeSports data show that expectations of a Bush re-election were rising until mid-January of this year, when they topped out at about 75%. The betting then turned against Mr. Bush, and his odds fell to just less than 50% around the end of July. Then the betting swung back his way, hovering at about 70% yesterday."

                              More bad news for the protege of Teddy Kennedy and Michael Dukakis. "The interpretation seems obvious: When investors think Mr. Bush is going to win, stocks tend to rise. When the market sees Democratic challenger John Kerry's chances rising, it tends to fret."

                              GOP congressional and gubernatorial candidates aren't the only ones who seems to be riding the president's coattails. "The Dow industrials and Standard & Poor's 500-stock index began their slide in mid-February, a few weeks after Mr. Bush. They pulled out of that slide in mid-August, and the Dow industrials are up 1.1% in September -- a month that has had an average loss of 1.23% since their inception in 1896."

                              John Caldwell, chief investment strategist at McDonald Financial Group, told the Journal: "It's eerie. It is a pretty strong relationship."
                              It would seem that the economy likes Bush.


                              • #30
                                Nothing says fair and balanced like Newsmax.
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