Those of you in the wetter parts of the world may not care but for those of us who aren't this might be big news. Scientists in Israel have begun construction of a desalinization plant which uses a break through new design. Reverse osmosis is a process where a semi-permiable membrane is used to filter out contaminents from water thus making the water clean and drinkable. You can think of it as a plastic sheet which has very tiny holes in it which water molecules can go through but which bacteria and other contaminents cannot. Traditionally, Reverse Osmosis could only be used to clean fresh water (not salt water) because the desolved salt ions were smaller then the water ions thus the salt would pass through any membrane the water could. Until now!
Using a new process which uses special filter which contain magnetically charge layers and high pressure tubes salt water can be turned into fresh water cheaply and economically. Currently, the Israelis estimate the desalinized water will only cost about 20% more then cleaning regular fresh water supplies plus it will be cleaner. As the process is mass produced and the membranes are perfected prices are expected to fall even lower.
That means the world's big shortage of clean drinking water might just be solved. Previously desalinization cost 400%-500% more then cleaning fresh water so only a few plants in very rich countries were built. The new technology is cheap and easy to replicate even in the worst of conditions. That means every seaside city should be able to have a safe, clean, and reliable source of drinking water in the near future.
Using a new process which uses special filter which contain magnetically charge layers and high pressure tubes salt water can be turned into fresh water cheaply and economically. Currently, the Israelis estimate the desalinized water will only cost about 20% more then cleaning regular fresh water supplies plus it will be cleaner. As the process is mass produced and the membranes are perfected prices are expected to fall even lower.
That means the world's big shortage of clean drinking water might just be solved. Previously desalinization cost 400%-500% more then cleaning fresh water so only a few plants in very rich countries were built. The new technology is cheap and easy to replicate even in the worst of conditions. That means every seaside city should be able to have a safe, clean, and reliable source of drinking water in the near future.