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Republican National Convention

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  • I believe the message last night was "Who're you gonna believe? Us, or your lying eyes?"
    Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


    • Originally posted by chegitz guevara
      I believe the message last night was "Who're you gonna believe? Us, or your lying eyes?"
      True enough... but since conventions these days are really meant for the party faithful, I know who they will believe

      And I agree with many other posters that both conventions are waste of time... just another campaign stop. At least the over the air networks realize this as well, and aren't broadcasting them gavel to gavel as they used to. What a waste of air time.
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • Originally posted by Ming

        True enough... but since conventions these days are really meant for the party faithful, I know who they will believe
        I don't think that's true. Not this election anyway. The're both trying for the swing vote. All the more reason to spread mistruths.
        I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
        - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


        • Originally posted by rah
          So that gives NYers an excuse to verbally/physically assualt convention delegates. Yep, that's the attitude I'm talking about. You should be ashamed.

          What delegates have been physically assaulted? So the exagerations begin.

          As for insulted, like I care what republicans think of this city- they don;t do anything for us, its not like they ever will.

          Oh, and on the idea of the city profiting form this, the Coptrollers office has come out with a report about how this will cost the city in security expenses FAR beyond what the repugs will spend.

          Maybe the protesters who are breaking the law... causing disturbances that are disrupting the city... making life unsafe for their fellow New Yorkers... maybe they are the real problem here. They are ones that are not only acting in an illegal fashion, but also acting like total asses... So maybe you should look in a mirror to see what's causing the real problems in New York

          Unlike you, I happen to be in NYC and not 900 miles away. In short, if the republicans were not in town to cash in on the 9/11 tragedy, the city would not be loosing money in the absurd security (again, which I see with my eyes and not on cable news) that will cost us far more than these guys will spend (yes, conventions are big business- but how many need 20,000 police on overtime!?). I put blame at the source- not in the symptoms.
          If you don't like reality, change it! me
          "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
          "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
          "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


          • Originally posted by GePap

            What delegates have been physically assaulted? So the exagerations begin.
            Obviously you weren't even watching the coverage then, and seeing the delegates being physically jostled and verbally abused while trying to get into the convention. Not an exageration.

            And even when people that come into my house that I don't agree with and particularly don't care what they think, I still show hospitality because it's the right and decent thing to do. Obviously your views are so obviously RIGHT and self evident that it tops any need to show decent manners. But I guess that's the primary difference.
            It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
            RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


            • As for insulted, like I care what republicans think of this city- they don;t do anything for us, its not like they ever will.

              Excepting that President Ford led bailout of your city back in 1975, eh? $2.3 billion worth of nothing, I'm sure.


              • Originally posted by rah
                And even when people that come into my house that I don't agree with and particularly don't care what they think, I still show hospitality because it's the right and decent thing to do.
                We are talking about NYC.
                Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                • Originally posted by JohnT
                  As for insulted, like I care what republicans think of this city- they don;t do anything for us, its not like they ever will.

                  Excepting that President Ford led bailout of your city back in 1975, eh?
                  Only after the city applied to the USSR for foreign aid. The USSR, stupidly, turned down the request. It would have been a major loss of face had they accepted.
                  Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                  • Cite? And from a credible source, else I call BS. Because I can't find a single cite for your claim, Che ol' buddy.


                    • Damn, can't seem to find anything. I remember it happening at the time, just after Ford's "Drop Dead" headline.
                      Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                      • Originally posted by GePap
                        Oh, and on the idea of the city profiting form this, the Coptrollers office has come out with a report about how this will cost the city in security expenses FAR beyond what the repugs will spend.
                        Again... it is the democratic protesters that are actually makeing the city spend money because of their illegal actions

                        It will be interesting to see the real final numbers after the convention is over....

                        In short, if the republicans were not in town to cash in on the 9/11 tragedy, the city would not be loosing money in the absurd security
                        And yet again... security is an issue because of the law breaking democrats... and second, you keep forgetting that the city INVITED them by bidding for the convention... While the administration may have changed since it was offered, the new administration didn't withdraw the offer did they...

                        You have an interesting logic pattern here... The city invites the Republicans to host their convention in their city with hopes of big profits, so this gives people the right to break the law...

                        And oh... blame the Republicans and not the actual law breakers for the cost of the increased security....

                        Keep on Civin'
                        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                        • Originally posted by chegitz guevara
                          Damn, can't seem to find anything. I remember it happening at the time, just after Ford's "Drop Dead" headline.
                          Never seen anybody call BS on himself before. We all appreciate your honesty.

                          And you quoted the NY Post! What's the world coming to???
                          Last edited by JohnT; September 1, 2004, 11:52.


                          • Wait, so let me get this straight Ming- you honestly think that with the president and VP and large sections of the Republican congressional delegation coming to town the only reason the Police Department is out en mass is cause they fear protestors? As opposed to say, the fact this city has been on Orange alert every day since 9/11? Are you so blind? This would cost the City millions one way or the other, even with 0 protestors. So you can drop the dumb act.

                            2. The republican mayor asked for the convention- we will see if he stays in office
                            If you don't like reality, change it! me
                            "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                            "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                            "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                            • At this point in time... (latest I could google), the anticipated costs of security will be 75 million or so, with the Fed picking up 50 million of it. I found quotes from you mayor stating it will only cost the city 24 million, which will be more than offset by the revenues generated by the convention...

                              So... if the cost for security is going up, it's because of the demonstrators and ONLY the demonstrators, because the cost for security against terrorists has already been accounted for... so drop the dumb act
                              Keep on Civin'
                              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                              • Originally posted by Ming
                                At this point in time... (latest I could google), the anticipated costs of security will be 75 million or so, with the Fed picking up 50 million of it. I found quotes from you mayor stating it will only cost the city 24 million, which will be more than offset by the revenues generated by the convention...

                                So... if the cost for security is going up, it's because of the demonstrators and ONLY the demonstrators, because the cost for security against terrorists has already been accounted for... so drop the dumb act
                                It is a central tenet of Republican political ideology that government interference is an important obstacle to economic growth. Yet the irony that Republicans were stunting the growth of his bottom line was lost on Amadou Mangassa, a manager at Mr. Joe, a shoe store on Eighth Avenue near 35th Street. ''They said the convention would bring business,'' he said, standing in the empty shop amid rows of discounted Puma and Adidas sneakers, his half-dozen idle employees trying to look busy straightening shoes on plastic shelves. ''The convention killed business. Usually this is a big week for us -- no sales tax, back to school. But we've got no customers. Everyone is afraid to come down here.''

                                Close to the Garden, a Boom Looks More Like a Bust
                                By LYDIA POLGREEN

                                Published: September 1, 2004

                                t is a central tenet of Republican political ideology that government interference is an important obstacle to economic growth. Yet the irony that Republicans were stunting the growth of his bottom line was lost on Amadou Mangassa, a manager at Mr. Joe, a shoe store on Eighth Avenue near 35th Street.

                                "They said the convention would bring business," he said, standing in the empty shop amid rows of discounted Puma and Adidas sneakers, his half-dozen idle employees trying to look busy straightening shoes on plastic shelves. "The convention killed business. Usually this is a big week for us - no sales tax, back to school. But we've got no customers. Everyone is afraid to come down here."

                                Economists will long debate the benefits of the Republican National Convention, which is being held at Madison Square Garden a couple blocks away from the store, and it will be weeks before all the receipts are tallied and the city knows whether the convention was an economic boom or a bust. Yesterday, as the convention entered its second day, it was clear that businesses in the streets around the Garden, one of the city's most vibrant commercial districts, were getting clobbered.

                                "It is so slow, I am crying," said Niranjana Patel, who, along with her husband, Bhagvati, has run a newsstand on Eighth Avenue for 28 years. "We are trying to sell enough just to make the rent. But these people - they don't buy water, they don't buy sodas, they don't buy newspapers. They don't buy anything."

                                Mr. Patel chimed in, nearly hidden behind the counter of his 8-by-7-foot newsstand, which was crammed with phone cards, T-shirts, magazines and bubble gum. Expecting that business would be brisker, "We stocked up on soda, on water, on souvenirs," he said. "Now we'll be stuck with it. If I had known it would be so terrible, I would have taken the week off."

                                It was a refrain repeated by dozens of shopkeepers, sales clerks, pizza counter workers and even panhandlers. In fact, just about everyone trying to make a buck in the blocks around the Garden, a beehive of offices, shops and restaurants atop a tangle of subway and train lines, reports that the convention has taken a heavy toll, despite the city's promise of an economic boom. Business, many of those interviewed said, was down 40, 50, even as much as 60 percent, as regular customers - workers in nearby office buildings, commuters and tourists - disappeared and few conventiongoers stepped in to take their place.

                                Much of the gloom for local businesses seemed to be the result of the specter, rather than the reality, of tight security. On the perimeter of the so-called frozen zone around the Garden, where the police have limited access to people who work and live there, shoppers were allowed on most commercial streets without having to show identification, contrary to popular perception.

                                "I thought it was going to be awful, but it really has been fine," said Alex Benson, a financial analyst who works at a building on 34th Street near Pennsylvania Station. "I have been able to get to work and out for lunch pretty easily."

                                That news may be too late for many businesses. Clothing shops that would be packed during this week of tax-free shopping, which the state usually declares just before children return to school, were desolate. At Conway, a discount department store on 34th Street, workers straightened unmussed rows of T-shirts on circular racks with signs advertising the tax break on clothing items that cost less than $110.

                                "We try to pass the time however we can," said Ola Abiola, a sales clerk at Conway. "I walk around the floor, straightening things. But we are very bored. No customers."

                                Restaurants did not seem to be faring any better. Lunchtime rolled around at Gyro II, a pizza and sandwich shop on Seventh Avenue opposite the Garden, but the usual lunch rush failed to materialize.

                                "This is supposed to be my busy time," said Neil Sklaroff, the shop's manager, as the clock showed 12:30 p.m. "We ain't doing nothing. Yesterday was a bust, and today is looking the same."

                                The phone rang and Mr. Sklaroff excused himself.

                                "That was my delivery guy," he said, returning to the cash register. "He's at 44th and 10th Avenue, stuck."

                                Mr. Sklaroff sent a worker with a handcart out to the truck that was ensnared in traffic to pick up vegetables he needed to restock the salad bar.

                                "These guys don't usually have time to breathe," he said, gesturing toward a half dozen countermen. "Look at them. There's nobody in here."

                                Businesses struggled to complete their most basic transactions. "Yesterday was a total disaster," said Howard Kaplan, owner of Penn Plaza Florist, which had the misfortune of being located on a pedestrian mall next to the Garden. "It was a complete and total disaster."

                                Mr. Kaplan said that he went to every meeting that the police and other city officials held over the last few months to help nearby businesses plan for disruptions and that he followed all their recommendations. He typed letters for each of his employees to carry to show to the police stating where they worked and when their shift began and ended.

                                When Mr. Kaplan went to pick up flowers at the Flower Market on Sixth Avenue, he made sure the bundles of lilies and irises were untied for easy inspection. "It was a total waste of time," he said of his efforts. "The cops didn't even look at the letters; they wouldn't let my workers through. Our deliveries were all late. It is just a disaster."

                                Jamie Galler, an executive vice president at Riese Restaurants, a company that operates 10 restaurants in the neighborhood, from T.G.I. Friday's to KFC, said business was down about 30 percent. "I guess it would be a surprise if you listened to the rhetoric" from city officials before the convention, Mr. Galler said. "Everybody held out hopes, but they are not coming to fruition."

                                Even panhandlers were having a bad day. Perched in his wheelchair on 34th Street opposite Macy's, Tony West rhythmically rattled his change cup yesterday afternoon. He said he had taken in just $50, and was likely to fall short of the $150 a day he said he usually made collecting change on the street.

                                "It's kind of slow right now," said Mr. West, 43, who said he had been in a wheelchair since he was shot when he was 9. "People are not giving much. But maybe it will pick up."

                                Business was not bad for everyone. James Gaine tended to a handful of drinkers at the bar at the Blarney Rock Pub on 33rd Street, which advertises its specials on a sidewalk board held aloft by a wooden leprechaun. Mr. Gaine said business was doing just fine.

                                "I just thank God it is Republicans, not Democrats," he said. "Republicans are beer and steak and potatoes guys. Those liberals are all ice cream and soda pop."
                                If you don't like reality, change it! me
                                "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                                "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                                "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw

