From the diaries of Presidential Nominee Velociryx
It was a mournful affair, bearing witness to the first death of Liberty Island, and early that evening, we buried Sully in a small patch of ground not far behind the QuarterMaster’s hut.
Flubber presided over the affair, offering words of comfort to Sully’s friends and family as we lowered him into the ground.
I helped dig the grave, but by that point in the afternoon, was so physically and emotionally drained that I could not do it alone.
Still, it’s one more thing I’m sure those who watch us will raise a curious eyebrow over.
After a somber dinner though I made a short speech about the need to move on.
Put the tragic death behind us and get on with the business of making Liberty thrive.
The speech, for all its good intentions, was not particularly well-received, and I got more glowering looks than anything.
Despite the tragedy, I meant to proceed with our planned election, but voter turnout was all but nonexistent.
It seemed that the death had impacted everyone more deeply than expected, and the people were making their will known.
So be it, but I was not about to undermine the democratic ideals of the island by simply seizing power, and so we were left with a crisis. Specifically, a three-way tie with what few votes did get placed in the ballot box beside the QuarterMaster’s hut.
So we waited.
All night.
Liberty’s future on hold and unable to proceed further without guidance from the people themselves.
Yes, it would have been possible simply to take control.
There was a vacuum.
That vacuum would be filled, and the longer it went unfilled, the more likely it was that someone would simply attempt to seize power and make Liberty into something far different than any had envisioned.
I vowed though, that the someone would not be me.
Thus, until such time as the crisis is passed, and Liberty has a functioning government, I am retiring from my post as Provisional Organizer, and halting all additional construction using assets I brought to the Island with me.
There are sufficient Geodesics up that we’ve got a bit more room, but I do not feel comfortable enough proceeding with further efforts until the crisis has been resolved.
So I shall retire, and watch….and wait.