Originally posted by Last Conformist
A truly bizarre language is Pirahã, from Brazil. Apart from some extremely freaky properties you need some linguistics background to appreciate, it includes an utter lack of numbers, and of colour terms. It also has an extremely limited array of sounds (11 for men, and only 10 for women!).
A truly bizarre language is Pirahã, from Brazil. Apart from some extremely freaky properties you need some linguistics background to appreciate, it includes an utter lack of numbers, and of colour terms. It also has an extremely limited array of sounds (11 for men, and only 10 for women!).
I voted Arabic, in part because of the way it sounds and in part because of the histrionic character of the speakers most of the time I've heard it spoken (mostly on the soccer field, though a fair amount on television as well). I do agree with Dissident's theories regarding language however. For instance, at one time I thought German and Russian were really ugly languages, largely because I mainly heard them spoken by real Nazis, Nazi caricatures and Brezhnez.
I soon learned differently when I started to take Russian while in the Army. It sounds a lot more like Italian (sound pallet wise, though the cadence is very different) than I could have imagined. Once I got the 6 foot tall blonde bade from Leningrad teaching my section all resistance to the language was demolished.
A similar thing happened with German when I was stationed there. Firstly I found German women to be quite attractive, which softened my mood immensely. Everyone in Germany was so nice to me, and eventually I fell in love with the recorded voice that announced the street car stops. She was probably a rancid old lady in reality, but what a pleasant voice!