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Star Trek Economy

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  • #61
    Originally posted by alva
    I thought this thread was if and how a moneyless society would look like and how it would/could function etc.., not a star-trek analysis...
    But what kind of technology you have makes big difference. If you have replicators, plenty of cheap energy, and holodecks a moneyless society works better.
    I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
    - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


    • #62
      There's replicators, and then there are nanoreplicators.
      Arise ye starvelings from your slumbers; arise ye prisoners of want
      The reason for revolt now thunders; and at last ends the age of "can't"
      Away with all your superstitions -servile masses, arise, arise!
      We'll change forthwith the old conditions And spurn the dust to win the prize


      • #63
        Played too much Alpha Centauri. You should get along famously with my SO, if you don't mind the the pyschoanalysis, that is.

        /me hides under the bed
        (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
        (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
        (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


        • #64
          I can't recall the book, but there was one I looked over at BN the other day that was about how the future of the developed world is a virtual end to menial labor and a large population for which there simply will be no work. So the thesis was how civilization will have to adjust itself to accomodate such a scenario, and it sounded very much like ST world of free goods and services.
          Tutto nel mondo è burla


          • #65
            Sounds like fun to read.
            (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
            (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
            (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


            • #66
              an analysis of the particulars of ST is not that interesting.

              The issue is this:

              The market economy exists becuase the free market is the most efficient way in which to distribute scarce resources to the benefit of the greatest number. Money has been found to be the simplest means of exchange, which is why we use it. All in all, the current economy exists as a set of rules:essentially a game in which the aim is highest efficiency. BUt the game exists because we have an underlying assumption: scarce resources.

              What happens thought if that assumption is no longer there? The game falls apart. The market value of anything that could be replicated would be zero essentially. If there is a Robot workforce, many service jobs would no longer be done by people. So the question is, what would sustain a market? If people's needs are met, and their entertainment needs satiated-what is left? What is the impluse for the economy?

              One could say that creative endevours would remain key, but the question is this- if peoples needs far beyond our current middle class comforts are fully met and fully secure, whould the masses participate in whatever market eocnomy remained?
              If you don't like reality, change it! me
              "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
              "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
              "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


              • #67
                Scarcity will never be eliminated.


                • #68
                  And PA once again shows his (un)glorious nihilism!
                  Arise ye starvelings from your slumbers; arise ye prisoners of want
                  The reason for revolt now thunders; and at last ends the age of "can't"
                  Away with all your superstitions -servile masses, arise, arise!
                  We'll change forthwith the old conditions And spurn the dust to win the prize


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Park Avenue
                    Scarcity will never be eliminated.
                    OK.....explain how and why Mr Bojengles.
                    If you don't like reality, change it! me
                    "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                    "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                    "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                    • #70
                      Let's call it realism.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Park Avenue
                        Let's call it realism.
                        Yup- men will enver fly, we will never reach the moon, and reaching 6 billion without massive famines? Preposterous.

                        Realism my ass.

                        So try again Mr Bojengles.
                        If you don't like reality, change it! me
                        "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                        "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                        "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                        • #72
                          Like how realistic it was to assume that we would never fly, go to the moon, or various other things?

                          PA is stuck with nihilism, more like.
                          Arise ye starvelings from your slumbers; arise ye prisoners of want
                          The reason for revolt now thunders; and at last ends the age of "can't"
                          Away with all your superstitions -servile masses, arise, arise!
                          We'll change forthwith the old conditions And spurn the dust to win the prize


                          • #73
                            Let's see your train of logic here guys...

                            1) It was once thought impossible to do x

                            2) x was then accomplished

                            3) Anything someone thinks is impossible, will therefore be accomplished!

                            Great work lads! Nice logic skills!


                            • #74
                              Haha, we said the same things (albeit mine was a bit later due to forum business). The rebuttals against PA must be universal, then.
                              Arise ye starvelings from your slumbers; arise ye prisoners of want
                              The reason for revolt now thunders; and at last ends the age of "can't"
                              Away with all your superstitions -servile masses, arise, arise!
                              We'll change forthwith the old conditions And spurn the dust to win the prize


                              • #75
                                et's see your train of logic here guys...

                                1) It was once thought impossible to do x

                                2) [b]x[/x] was then accomplished

                                3) Anything someone thinks is impossible, will therefore be accomplished!

                                Great work lads! Nice logic skills!
                                Even God admits, man can do anything if he sets his heart to it....

                                However, with lack of unification, the heart conflicts; hence Babel.

                                So far, the general unity of the scientific community towards gaining knowledge is the primary reason for human advancement.
                                Arise ye starvelings from your slumbers; arise ye prisoners of want
                                The reason for revolt now thunders; and at last ends the age of "can't"
                                Away with all your superstitions -servile masses, arise, arise!
                                We'll change forthwith the old conditions And spurn the dust to win the prize

