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More proof of tasteless American beers

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  • "There's definitely a difference between beers like Bud and beers like Carlsberg and Stella. Bud is pretty much water."

    Water for me is 4% beers or lower (pointless), Bud was 5% so is a premium lager.


    • Maybe I should gather some money, and go to america for a microbrewery tour (if the products of those are as good as these fellow-americans claim they are)
      I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


      • Sam Adams, to me, makes up for the lousy American beer quality. They have enough different kinds of beer that I don't have to have another American if I don't want to.

        Also, as much as I dislike PA, they do have a good lager in Yeugling...hopefully it will get more of a national appeal in the future.
        "I predict your ignore will rival Ben's" - Ecofarm
        ^ The Poly equivalent of:
        "I hope you can see this 'cause I'm [flipping you off] as hard as I can" - Ignignokt the Mooninite


        • I'd echo the people who say that the reason Coors and Bud are halfway successful is because there are a LOT of people who just want to get drunk cheap.

          Secondly, LOW CARB BEER?! Wha? What a travesty!
          “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
          - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


          • Originally posted by Ming
            People who want taste and are willing to pay for it are drinking wine or expensive premium hard stuff. All of which some say taste far better than premium beers
            Speak for yourself. I for one have money to burn and I like to drink complex beers. Sure, I like wine and I have a fairly decent collection but I normally save that for special occations. In California you can get great micro brewed beer for any where from $5-$8 per 6-pack so it's not that expensive. A good wine will set you back $12-$30 per bottle, great wines can go much higher, though you can find decent wine for as little as $3 per bottle (once again it's good to live in California).

            There are a lot of us out there who like beer and who consider ourselves connoisseurs. We drink for taste just like wine drinkers. Beer can be just as flavorful as wine if the brewer knows what he's doing and there is a great deal more varity because beer uses more types of ingredients then your average wine.
            Try for discussion and debate.


            • Originally posted by Timexwatch
              College students are starting to get back into that kind of Malt Liquor from what I see, but right now it's pretty much regarded as a "Black" drink or extremely low class.
              Yep, When I was in College the only 40 oz malt liquor which was even semi ok for a white person to drink was Mickey's. Even that was seen as totally trashy though. Since you can always get free ****e beer at parties most of my friends and I either drank good beer or vodka when we were pre-partying. Being partially drunk already made it easier to drink glasses of Natural Ice and Miller High Life. :vom:
              Try for discussion and debate.


              • Originally posted by Oerdin
                Speak for yourself. I for one have money to burn and I like to drink complex beers. Sure, I like wine and I have a fairly decent collection but I normally save that for special occations.
                A classic example of limited "quoting"

                I followed that up with:
                People who do like real beer, can get great beers in the US. There are ton's of micro breweries that are doing great... they just aren't the well known big three. The micro breweries know their target... and the big three understand theirs
                I did cover the fact that there are people like you who actually do like beer over the other more expensive alternatives.
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • Beer is the new wine, Ming, don't you know that?

                  I'm now trying Otter Creek Stovepipe porter. It's a few notches above most that I've had, it's very...smokey and sweet with a taste of coffee. Thumbs up for those dirty hippies in Vermont...
                  If you look around and think everyone else is an *******, you're the *******.


                  • Steve Jackson had a nice article about beer being the new wine a few month's back. He spoke about wine makers consistantly promoting their product as being a part of the good life while to many beer makers market their prouct based upon price points. If beer makers would start identifying their products as being complex and worthy of the connoisseur's attention then they just might find more connoisseur's are willing to give them a try.
                    Try for discussion and debate.

