wouldnt an increase tax on the rich benefit the country a lot more? im trying to be realistic and trying to think of ways to benefit the working and service class as much as possible.
Now, if you want to talk about health care, the US hovers near the top in terms of overall quality, and in terms of specialization, complex surgery, etc., we are at the top. If you want to talk about education of doctors, again, the US is at the top.
As to people having health care, they can either pay for it up front, or purchase health insurance. They can't afford it? Well, I guess it's time for a few lifestyle changes - but I can tell you that a lot of lower class families go without health insurance but somehow stay in Nikes and video games and junk food. Go figure - people set their own priorities, and when those don't work out to their best advantage, I'm not sympathetic. Why punish those who make good choices by forcing them to correct the bad choices of others? I don't see the point, or the wisdom.
And the rich aren't gonna be beaten to death in 50 years. Come on. The US just is NOT overrun by poverty - we are largely middle class, relative to the rest of the world, and relative to many parts of the world, the poorest Americans are fabulously wealthy.
In any case, it's illegal to beat people to death, and in my state, if someone tries to beat you to death, you can pull out your concealed handgun and shoot them back

And if that doesn't work, and you do beat someone to death, well, that's what Ole Sparky's for
