Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
How do you have a non-personal dictatorship? Even the junta in Argentina had a personal component. Being supported by an elite in your position of power doesn't make it non-personal.
The goals of most non-personal dictatorships is the growth of the economy.
How do you have a non-personal dictatorship? Even the junta in Argentina had a personal component. Being supported by an elite in your position of power doesn't make it non-personal.
This shouldn't be meant to diminish the impact of indiviudal people in positions of power. Just as Clinton and Bush are very different presidents, even though they represent the same class of people, Videla and Galtieri had different styles of ruling Argentina (the former was a screaming anti-Semite who believed that Jews were going to betray Argentina to the USSR). But just as Reagan and Clinton didn't necessarily run the government for their own personal benefit, neither do these managerial dictators (and I'd put most of the socialist dictators in this catagory) run their own countries for their own personal benefit. Some do, most didn't.