Originally posted by Last Conformist
I don't see what anything of that has to do with the question whether it was terrorism or not.
Yes, by all means, let's all put on pimply lima delta pedant mode, and ignore the fact that military and civilian targets were inseparable in Japan, or that prolongation of the war over winter would have resulted in mass starvation and epidemics (due to critical shortage of medical supplies) that would have killed millions, or that many of the military leaders of Japan seriously considered complete ethnic and national suicide as a response to invasion.
I don't see what anything of that has to do with the question whether it was terrorism or not.
Terrorism would have been to drop the bomb over the densest population centerd remaining after the April firebombing of Tokyo. If you want an act of terrorism, pick that - the civilian casualties were entirely disproportionate to any military result, and the results of incendiary usage were well known.