Originally posted by Lincoln
In Texas a sodomy statute was overturned. Se we are told that slope leads to gay marriage.
In Texas a sodomy statute was overturned. Se we are told that slope leads to gay marriage.
"The State of Texas in this case claims the right
to criminally punish any unmarried adult couple for
engaging in any form of consensual sexual intimacy that
the State happens to disapprove of.
It further claims that there's no constitutional
problem raised by a criminal statute that is directed not
just at conduct, but at a particular group of people, a
law that criminalizes forms of sexual intimacy only for
same-sex couples and not for anyone else in the State who has -- has the right to make a free choice to engage in the identical conduct.
Petitioners are two adults who were arrested in
a private home and criminally convicted simply because
they engaged in one of the forms of sexual intimacy that
is on the banned list in the State of Texas for same-sex
They bring two constitutional claims to the Court today. First, among the fundamental rights that are implicit in our concept of order of liberty, must be the right of all adult couples, whether same-sex or not, to be free from unwarranted State intrusion into their personal
decisions about their preferred forms of sexual
Second, there's no legitimate and rational
justification under the Equal Protection Clause for a law
that regulates forms of sexual intimacy that are permitted in the State only for same-sex couples, thereby creating a kind of a second class citizenship to that group of people."
And as one Justice said:
"All right, so you said -- you said procreation, marriage and children, those are your three justifications. Now from what you recently said, I don't see what it has to do with marriage, since, in fact, marriage has nothing to do with the conduct that either this or other statutes do or don't forbid.
I don't see what it has to do with children, since, in fact, the gay people can certainly adopt children and they do. And I don't see what it has to do with procreation, because that's the same as the children.
All right. So -- so what is the justification for this statute, other than, you know, it's not what they
say on the other side, is this it simply,
I do not like thee, Doctor Fell, the reason why I cannot tell. "